Source:The Murder of Khris Neal-
By Miranda Kelley -
Khris Neal was a friend of ours and a fellow blogger. Until now, we have not publicly talked about the circumstances of his death and the things we know, as well as the things we discovered upon further investigation.
In our small community of MK ULTRA survivors and those who knew and interacted with Khris, no one knew anything was wrong at first. That is, until the early hours of March 2nd, when our good friend Randy Maugans, host of Off Planet Radio, received this comment to the Off Planet website. The comment was never approved, so this is the first time it is being made public.
At first glance, Randy thought it was just another post by Former White Hat/Michael Hemmingson/ The Idylwild Group and his coterie of lackeys, who have run an organized effort (poorly executed, but organized) to smear our names with outrageous, libelous claims on a regular basis. And Randy was right — it was (more on that later).
However, after paring away the usual onslaught of ridiculous lies about Duncan, a search found the funeral home page which confirmed that Khris Neal was dead — in fact he had been dead nearly a month — quite possibly the only true thing this group has ever posted.
Now, we had to ask ourselves, how was it that someone(s) in this group of extremely overenthusiastic and dedicated smear campaigners would know about Khris’ death before any of us, his friends and colleagues did? Or a single solitary other person in this internet community? Very curious.
We were all hit very hard emotionally by the death of Khris. It was certainly a blow, and a hard one. We knew and have always known the stakes of what we are involved in, but it doesn’t make it hurt less when someone you care about is killed.
The details of his death, after reading his obituary, were minimal. We put out some feelers to various friends and acquaintances of Khris, trying to track down someone who knew him, friend or family member, in order to not only share what we knew but try to obtain more details regarding his death.
We finally got a break weeks later when, of all people, Khris’ own mother called me (Miranda) directly on my cell phone. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. When I called her back, it was one of the most difficult phone calls of my life. Only those who know the pain of losing a child can even begin to know what this confused, horrified, and grief-filled mother was experiencing. For her, Khris’ death was still a completely open wound, compounded by the fact that she could not make sense of why it happened.
The first thing she told me was that the police had found my phone number in Khris’ wallet. It was evidently written on a folded piece of paper and said ‘In case of emergency, contact’ followed by my name and phone number. At the time, I had no idea how Khris had gotten that paper or my number because I never gave it to him, but Duncan and I later found out that one of our friends, another MK ULTRA survivor and close friend of Khris, had been concerned enough about his safety that she had given him this information in case of emergency. How prescient she was.
Duncan and I find it very interesting that, despite it being a very clear emergency contact number in Khris’ wallet, no one from the police department up in Oregon bothered to use it at any point, which is usually standard operating procedure. Khris’ parents only found out about the note’s existence when the police called them and asked them about it. We find it very telling that they did not call me.
The Scene of the Crime
My eyes were burning with tears as Khris’ mother began to recount to me how the police found Khris’ body. According to her, Khris’ house had been completely trashed. Not just things knocked over and cushions flung, but she said that someone had taken the time to open bottles of liquid and pour several of them out all over the carpet. Doors were kicked in. She said that even the burners were ripped off the stove.There was no suicide note. She told me that Khris had been found with a single gunshot to the head. The police, she said, had ruled it a suicide. Really. She told me that she did not believe it was a suicide, but that she had no idea what really happened and was not getting any answers.
It seemed that there was indeed a cover-up of Khris’ death, and not a very good one. To say the police’s conclusion was overly hasty would not be a stretch, given the evidence and what we now knew.
I made a difficult decision. I knew that Khris had kept a part of his life separate from his family, particularly information having to do with his struggle to learn about his past as a child being involved in MK ULTRA government projects similar, and certainly tangential to, the ones that Duncan and I were involved in. This is not something that is easy to talk to one’s parents about in the best of circumstances. I filled her in as best I could, concerned that I might be compounding her grief but just as certain that it was the right thing to do — she needed the information we had and could then make her own judgments from that.
I appreciate her talking to me and more than anything want justice for Khris, which is obviously problematic since his murder seems to have been covered up.
Sloppy Work, Boys
Based on what Duncan and I, Randy, and a few other people have found out, we have some theories about what happened to Khris, who did it, and why he was, we believe, murdered in cold blood.At the time of his death, Khris Neal had been investigating the identity of our harassers, the very ones who seemed to be behind the later comment to Off Planet Radio informing us of Khris’ death.
Khris was an extremely intelligent and resourceful individual. On his blog, he had exhaustively researched and made the connection between couple of specific anonymous disinformation blogs and pseudo-gonzo-with-a-side-of-pedophilia writer and self-professed former asset of ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) — one Michael Hemmingson.
In fact, this exposé was the very last article Khris Neal ever posted on his blog.
We cannot rule out the possibility, even the likelihood, that Khris was murdered because of what he was investigating regarding Michael Hemmingson’s identity and connection to the blogs by “Former White Hat” and Idyllwild Group. Based on the research one of our other colleagues, a computer forensics expert, has done on this group (more on that in another article — there are more people and groups connected to this that we’ve found), Khris may have uncovered even more information that he never got a chance to release. We will never know.
Duncan and I believe that Khris was not taken out by a professional or directly by any agency. The work was too sloppy, and that’s not how things of this nature are normally done — there are procedures that are followed and certain protocols that were obviously not observed in this case.
We believe, based on the scene and what we know of it, that someone was probably sent just to scare Khris into stopping what research he was doing, but that things got out of hand and the person or people sent ended up bungling things, panicking, and killing him. That’s our opinion, again, based on how we know things like this to work and how they have historically been handled as well as information we have picked up regarding the situation. This is something we are in a position to know about because of what we used to do.
Further Taunts About Khris’ Murder
Not too long ago, we got this email — directly from none other than Michael Hemmingson himself. It would appear that we, and this certainly includes Khris Neal, were correct — Michael Hemmingson is the person hiding behind the Former White Hat name, and evidently no longer feels he needs to.Please notice a couple of things here. One — Randy, Duncan and I discussed this and none of us ever remember coming across this particular photo of Khris Neal predating this email. We haven’t been able to say conclusively that this is the first time we had seen it, but we are pretty sure. So then, how did Michael Hemmingson obtain it? It looks like it’s from some form of identification card.
Second, you may also notice the second attachment is the seal for the aforementioned Office of Naval Intelligence. The e-mail is subtly titled “a reminder”. It would appear that Michael Hemmingson sent us this e-mail to gloat about his involvement in the murder of Khris Neal, and perhaps to imply further that his actions will be protected by none other than one of the least known but largest spying arms of the government, the ONI, since he used to work for them, apparently. Good luck with that. They just love when you do stuff like this and then use their name. Publicly.
The Deeper Game
Many people not familiar with this situation or how these things work might be saying to themselves, well, I’ve seen the White Hat blog and it’s ridiculous lies and anyone who believes that crap is crazy. This is true, to a point. It is filled with poorly constructed science fiction fantasy and puerile writing, and Duncan and I have a hard time keeping track of how many clones of him there actually are according to it, but there is a deeper game at play here.Those of you who look at blogs which write blatant lies about us (and other whistleblowers) and dismiss them as absurd are missing the point. The point is that this is an organized group of individuals who are carrying out orders. This is a concerted effort to not only destroy our credibility, but to bury the truth under a mountain of lies and half truths so that no one can find it.
This is done so that when people search the internet trying to find out information about MK ULTRA, or gods forbid supersoldiers, they are bowled over by articles deliberately containing lies that sound like they’ve been written by a crazy person, or articles written at at least a high school level but composed by people who have decided to just make up their own experiences, never caring that they dilute the few crumbs of truth that manage to get out there.
And when someone gets too close, they get killed. Like Khris did.
Khris threatened their whole system, not just the truth suppression itself, but the method for suppressing the truth – the very mechanism that throws up the chaff leading truth seekers in the wrong direction. His path led to a name that now directly connects to these two websites that were supposed to be anonymous – Michael Hemmingson.
Is Hemmingson the head honcho on this, the big fish? Oh, hardly. From what we can figure, he’s big enough to have some other people under him following his guidance on things and letting him tell them what to post on their own sites. But he’s small enough that he can be jettisoned from the organizations he is affiliated with – disposable, you might say. And he appears to be unbalanced enough to not quite realize this, or perhaps he just doesn’t care.
We will go into further detail in other articles regarding who is really behind this organization who was likely responsible for his murder. We have amassed a fair amount of data, but it’s a fairly twisty path and will take more than one article, which we will publish soon. This one’s about Khris because he deserves to have the world know how brave he was.
For now, know this. The push to keep truthful information suppressed is real. The threat to those who speak out or who uncover information that they shouldn’t is equally real. We know it. Khris knew it. He died trying to uncover it.
Khris, you were a very sweet man. You were trying to help others and you were trying to do what was right. You are a warrior and a true hero and we salute you. You will be greatly missed.
also discussed here:
After Hours show on OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans
yes Khris was working on a new Site, and Article to post. with much new info , and who what where folks involved int he background. and that darker-side . and very known names around some a them peoples.. and all layers of their BS.. shown..
shithat was even as callin on other Revolution Radio host's show... Douglas Dietrich and spoke about his death... in a sick manner...
i also was informed from a well known figure about his death. and last time i saw him on WSR chat. which i dont visit no more. since Dave Corso choose to support #RR and NnighthawkK and formercraphat as their radio is #RR hosted. same for chat/irc WRS=RR= same network. not secure.. at all..
Former White Hat = Fraud ♦ Theidylwildgroup = Fraud
STANDING UP FOR THE TRUTH….OR NOT ( D & M’s) Facebook Message Hemmingson is Former White Hat & Louis Kahn Nin – Period!
Bases 25 Part 3 Interview with an MIB(check 51-min mark, and i agree a piece a shit, and goon2 is jason., whom is being misused as.. talisman...
The Alternative Media Disinfo: Game Over #formerwhitehat #PC. between ExoFantasists intensifies. INCL #FUN NOTE #FormerWhitehat [RationalUFOLOGY] EXPOSED – RA STYLE THE_END 2012-RAKMEISTER #UPDATED -BS- #RR #PICS... @FB
Andrew Bartzis
Why do u keep getting kicked from websites?
Ra Ka Isha Rakmeister
‘s? if you mean #wsr mostlikely because FWH and alters been playing more.. in my absence chat. and more accusations emptyclaims directed to cam black and there to dave and more im sure nick immitations of hemmie… ( or as JP said in march i can be controversial.. well thruth can be. and a Buttshot-picuture of FWH/MH and not blacking out RR logo made NH go mad over that. for 20views than edited/pic blackediout–. but he thanked on air for the post @idlycrapgroup and its support RR post.. and using RR LOGO.. (see the game).. or just like bs Nighthawk on station spoke rightabout a week ago nighttime i tuned in, me being a from amsterdam(lol ip trace, can say at some sites amsterdam, or other site deventer otherside country or decent sites say ede middle nl.), interpol, socketpuppets and attacks without specifying what. than saying his network never got hacked/issues. , (*oh by any chance fam of david black*, guess so.. *one hemmingsons backers.. ) and i got a list of 10 more claims hemmingson made up that are either all bs/fictive or his own doings, exluded 1 instance. i waited out my 30day ban, but one a hemmies alternicknames guess didnt likes it and went to camblack quick, and or 3weeks+ inbetween the lies and blabla said to dave since + the befor stated. beside hemmie had issues since i exposed his bs 2-sept and Krhis picked up rest , he got kicked of angela;s shw, A-team disbanded, and @skypcall most of hosts that were on, half.. i was added to #RR nh +hosts. they were all like if its up to us he is out a here gone m.h but NH was one that kept him.. and said m.h to stop his bs. ofc that didnt go… he also stated it on air RE MH crap to stop. just like seemingly NH likes to be lied to on air in the face asking M.H re his FWH bs. and i got banned from #RR 30days chat. but MH went to cam black, crying and more blabla since he could not play his bs in #WSR as i was on there couple times that week, but seems that that ban also goes for wsr from Camblacks side.. tracey read it back than.. what i said re that on blog. , but 1st thought was that dave thought i was Hemmingson hence troll. as that was one f the ban reasons and more weeks ago when hemmingson was playing his Bs and 2more making 3. and even more claimfull is hate speech.. o rly .. and martijn was also wtf i get invited to listen to show here and this passes by, and than this. there is so much you are not aware of concerning rakmeister and it is my decision to permanently ban him // much oh do tell than. is what i would say. or call as some things easier said haha, or it tends to get real long haha, joel morgan kimbal also has that tendence with pm from him over last months. and ofc the old blamegame folks play is in effect.. and as pamela tartar was well aware also,, and many others also. didnt you see on formercraphat and idlybla im also on their top Most wanted list and have 5+ crapingsonposts dedicated to me.
and i waited out by ban duration.. some dont like the truth so they play it this way. that would be a short summation for your Q. as the multitude in keep getting implies to them 2. as avalon im retired member stopped posttings and camelot zoe had her issues. others like jmj12 and others supported me. and thats it as for website’s
Andrew Bartzis
so much for dave… expected more of him. tbh