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Showing posts with label Adashi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adashi. Show all posts
Friday, September 16, 2016
FutureAgeSage: God Star: Adashi One No-Time Code
#adashi, #ascended master, #unity #oneness, #multidimensional, #spiritual science, #mandala #sacred geometry, #spirit ,#god, #energetic synthesis, #master ,#starseed , #visionary,
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
KS Reality Talks:: Dr. Paul Theriault - 5-5-2015 (Part1)
An interview talk with Dr. Paul Theriault.
In this talk we discuss these topics:
'Nibiru' past lives,
what an 'Adashi Return' is,
Atlantean past lives
the meaning of the word 'Alhumbhra' and the many interpretations
the difference between 'Tantric & Fauntic' twins
'Um ah A ThrA' E'Nah A Eckasha' - Sabira Woolley
'Um ah A ThrA' E'Nah A Eckasha' - Sabira Woolley
'You Wish' - Nightmares On Wax
'You Wish' - Nightmares On Wax
Video in 7 Parts
Youtube channel:
chris comstockSoundcloud:
KS REALITY CHECK: A Transparency ProjectChristopher V Comstock
Paul Theriault

Saturday, May 31, 2014
The Call into the Ether ~ 31 May 2014 ~ Ra Ka Isha © Speaks #Updated
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(1st i posted it as a note... on G+ my circles only. but on 2nd thought ill drop it here.) |
So.... the triple-seal i set... in fr... #12 will remain for a while longer.. eta? no eta!.
& group messing with grid.. #LION , tot han frack around some more on the Poles*(*N/Z), working against everything... , made their biggest mistake of 2014 so far. 2013 them fracked up, 2014 again.... their choice and consequences in accordance.. it holds in progressive unfolding of now time status tobe and to come...
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Left: note... Andrew.. Right PSG12 APIN+Systems+-+Manual_Page4 |
With main lets give out new orders to them unwilling-non-aware-puppets from .UK en .EG(egypt)(and 2 more spots). so them 2 ships... well better hide them or return... aka leave.. on own will... or re-allign. or maybe soon "poef" them goners. who knows what future has in store... No Ai can foresee.... nopes..
Rest others can secure other submissions that are part of the whole. so ill do something else than again wasnt expected well good. gotta be "controversial" once in a while. and its fun when they cannot forsee whats coming. and their actions just show more of them in their futileness.
So 1st will override some a their places recode to 12D. and than.. reclaim it yep
1st that, than: the knock knock on the door. this is your choice i give you. pick one any one... and think it over very..well as it will effect them whole group. past present and future.
rest as it was is in motion and under protocol... protected. and likewise 7 will help the 2 sphere in sphere (but total 4 spheres is for later time in physicalness maybe onday. )
Same goes for some a them apparitions that turn up at some folks when its info that true and opposite to what them taught them.. and than get mad at them. for posting about it. and than try and deceit some more by keeping them on a leech with melchizedek symbolism and terms all relating to same select few. and exclude the "others" as them they dont want to speak of, as it would expose their modes operandus/of operation. and show what they rly stand for... and the massive level of soul-group abuse that has been ongoing for ages... but best way to help a group. is to directly incarnate into it. voila. but that requires balance of essence of being to not be tricked... into. but firmly stand. just stand ;)
So some will keep supporting the domination and manipulation by non choice. non freedom and feed the same system/beast. as them persons here have more light than any a them buggers out there. incl the menace as someone called them. jehovi;s and that still use past-life manipulation to effect the person in the here and know. beside false memory implants/crystals (dark crystals) that are still embedded in their biofield , untill cleared them cannot rly see....
So i'm setting up my own support grid for my ... thing and from there well rest ima not telling not thinking nor any a that so gl trying to predictive program me for data.....
if with some things im early well good means i have more time to properly prepare Meister style. as i remove more dust from my long kept hidden past/path , like Vril 1920/1960 , or life before it in Japan,. or before that 16/1700'ish re Vatican Medici Banker (matches more data i gotten) and much more to come.
As the Owls have seen a lot... observe... see... know... Grande Yanas.
& the Ninja Kittens Squad is on location where needed.
just like i send 3 a my spirit animals on a task and remains as such...
So what does it mean to wake up
Well 1st you gotta see what your doing for and whom directs it than see the bigger context beyond them buggers, and than see that actually what one may have been doing goes against everything one might stand for and ones mission might be...
And some would like to see whole race-lines wiped of the map. as that was same in past and same in ancient past , that/them hasn't changed . as them keep making same mistake over and over again. and well there is a line drawn till here and no further, and i still dare any a them to step forward if them chooses in opposition and than cross that line and than its their own choice... and than they will see. like last time it made a bump in the timeline that wasn't observed ever before and still ripples going out... of it.. in time-space.
So enjoy the summer catch some SOL rays charge up <3
And enjoy the ride.. be smart think & care... as "now" does matter.
Likewise for ones: spouse , sisters/bro;s mom's/dads sons&daughters one does carry the freq/vib onto,but/if, so you cannot transmit: "that" you cannot embody or hasn't activated. by not knowing and just trying from inner-senses as we all do/try. so again that's the freewill choice to work on self for self for all others.
And with some well i stand alone. so be it. other things got a core group and other things more in works. and rest under full supervision.
ill walk mah path till one day that i have dreamt might be there. in DRT . DRO.
Funny also how some so silent, re asked Q;s im guessing its over their heads beyond them.. or unwilling to think of.. as them not on that level. so not many out there to talk on that level about.
Past , Present & Future-Self's are looking at you... What Will You Do...?!!
and DONT FORGET THE ORIGINAL INTENT... even with the deception blackmail and intermixing of pastevents into a manipulative stage of nowtime.
O.K enough typing....
im of to get mah suntan
shine SOL shine
Ra Ka Isha
The Controverial One
The Controverial One
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The Eyes of the Cat Storm OP |
thats all
A good watch also -> Andrew Bartzis
To The Awakening Ones
Prognoses of Our Future, June 2014
Our Platform is Leaving the Reversed Monadic Program
Energy Work for June 2014
How this Work and What You will Get for Free
Something to Think About
On the Concept of Source
My notes on elementals and devas
The Monadic Reversal Program
A preview on the articles to come
A little heads up from me
Welcome to the Restoration Zones

Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Freedom Teachings: Winds of Change +
Search for Torrent/Workshop "title" here:
https://kickass.so/user/GoToFreedom or
( only [Magnet links] are real, others shown/image is/are ADS on TPB )

Another WS for those that have some missing parts in their own works gathered over time. or to review some once again.
https://kickass.so/user/GoToFreedom or
( only [Magnet links] are real, others shown/image is/are ADS on TPB )
Another WS for those that have some missing parts in their own works gathered over time. or to review some once again.
Winds of Change, Tides of Transformation, Visions of Joy for a Transitioning World - Hetharo - Filmed Live - Phoneix, AZ May 23-25, 2008
This workshop is unique in many ways and the new information that came through reflected the enormity of both our cosmic situation and the phenomenal new Hydro-acoustic Theory/Therapy information. The orientation evening is marked by a wonderful introduction to the subject matter of The Planet in Paradox The Perils and Potential. As 3D life and Earth changes become increasingly challenging, the Guardians will progressively relay to us the tools with which to respond. Part of this response-ability will involve embodying something called the God-like subjective objective Ah-JhA-areia state of consciousness. What a gift! Other subjects covered included Demons, the Dhani Shield and Codes, the different levels of Earths Ascension host (NET Earth, Median Earth, AshaLA, Shala and Urtha), the importance of the GhaRE Body in the processes of both transmutation (re-enlightenment) and transfiguration (re-spiritualization), Plate Harmonics and the Krystic Global Swat Team that will play an important role in restoring Earth waters to undergo the natural process of hydrolase conversion (restoring its hydrolase component - H2O2He3).2 other were:
Revelations of the DhaLA-LUma
This Workshop is about the Cosmic Evolutionary Cycles we are entering into, and what it means to enter the KaLE-Hara Transition Cycle, after a KaLA Eyugha End Cycle. When a system enters the KaLE-Hara Cycle, which we have done as of August 12, 2007, 3 distinct paths become available. The first path the KaLE-Krysta Cycle is the name of the Ascension Path, and ascension means taking the body with you. The Ascension Path starts with the turnaround out of the 4th Eckashi Expansion Cycle, and into the transition KaLE-Hara Cycle, which is before the Adashi Return Cycle. Also included with the KaLE-Krysta Ascension Path is what is called the Hosted Ascension, where we have a period of time of Host on this planet left (223 years), where we can incarnate into an Aquafereion Regenesis Body, if our present bodies cannot make the shifts. The second path is the KaLE-RAma step back, rebirth cycle, where one does the Middle Edon, then the Outer Domain Cycles over again, and it is neither a fall nor an ascension path. The third path is the KaLE-DEma, which is the path of fall. The life forms on this planet will be taking one of these three paths. The Ascension Path ties into the Vertical Maps, the Journeys, the Aurora Slide Zones, and New Ascension Earth, which the Easter & Peru Workshop also covered.
Introduction to the Teachings of the KaLA-Um-Sha-TaRA. These teachings are the first part of a set of 3 encyclopedia sets, which are collectively considered the Books of Adashi. The Books of Adashi correspond with the 3 Ascension Adashi Return Cycles, and shortened are called the Book of KaLA, (first set that corresponds to Adashi Cycle One, and graduation from the KaLA Eyugha 4th and last Eyugha of the Eckashi Cycle), the Book of ShaLA, (ShaLA corresponds to graduation from the Adashi-1 Edonic ShaLA Eyada Cycle, into Adashi-2 AahLA Eyada) and the Book of AahLA. (AahLA corresponds to graduation from the Adashi-2 Adonic AahLA Eyada, into the Luma EturNa Cosmic Krist Body, and return to God-Source). These teachings are a part of the extended teachings of the Maharata Texts, but the Maharata Texts were for the Outer Domain Cycles. The Books of Adashi are for ascension through the Core Domains and are huge, and these teachings have not been translated on this planet before.
Doorways Through Time
Doorways Through Time & the Drums of Aquafereion "Circle of Life" Drum Circle Celebration
Recorded Live - April 10-12, 2009 Sarasota, FL
"The Circle of Life & the Gift of Co-Creation-Loving Earth,
Embracing Our Mother". * The Perfection of Creation: The Law of
Reciprocity/Attraction, the Mass Hologram & Probable Realities * Beyond Mass
Illusions: Mass Beliefs, Bio-filters & Probability Alignment * Preserving the
Probability of Ascension:
The Mass Drama, MCEO paradigm, Time-Leaps, Probability
"Hopping-Blending & Bleed-through", & "The 6th Probability". *Doorways Through
Time & the Aurora Continuum: Solomon's Shield, GrUal Door, Middle Earth & Gates
of Edon. * The Circle of Life & the Drums of Aquafereion: Rhythm, Dance, the
of Momentum & the Edonic Code "The Circle of Life Aquafereion
Drum Circle Celebration & World Peace Meditation" Healing Earth's "Holy Grail", Celebrating
the Net-Earth GrUal Door and the Middle-Earth Gates of Edon plus Aurora
Continuum Time-Travel Technique-1"Entering the Aurora Continuum".
Aurora Continuum Group Shadra-Shield Projection- "The
Probable Universe & the Mass Hologram". * The Structure of Probabilities;
Probable Selves & Probable Universes* "Parallels", "Probables", Planes & the
Structure of Time; Accretion Cycles, Sextant Time-Loop & Time Doorways.
"Probable Selves, Probable Earths, Potential Futures & 2012". * 2012 & the 12th
Probability; The "12 Earths", Current Drama, Probability Hopping & the Aquareion
Kryst Mission * 2012, Mayan Mishaps and the "End-Time That Isn't"; Solar System
2012 Alignment with Galactic Black Hole Core, Earth Stewardship, Solomon's
Shield, Omega Code.
Dragon Wars & the Mayan End-Times Prophecies" "Dream-Weaving;
Living in a PERFECT WORLD, NOW- Personal Evolution, Co-Creation, Empowerment &
Materialization Power-Tools Topics Include: * Evolution of STATE- From Children
to Co-Creators * The Perfect, the Ideal & the IS- Making Peace with Opposite
Expression * The ECK-ON-omy of Abundance- Encryption, "Vibration" & the "Law of
Reciprocity" * Owning your "Vibration"- Personal Ideas, Beliefs &
Responsibilities in Krystic Co-Creation * Creating your Desired "Vibration"-
Personal Empowerment within the Mass Illusion.
Krystal River Aqua-Tone Hydro-Acoustic Systems™ Sa-A'-Dha/ IAMIT Power-Tools
Practicum *Engaging Guardianship; Intro to "Time-Travelers Guide to Symbols &
Their Uses"- The "Staah-LEi'-yas of Translocation and the Seat of Edon"("Cockpit
of Co-Creation"). Aurora Continuum Time-Travel Technique-2:
Journey to the Seat
of Edon (Co-Creation Cockpit) Using Staah-LEi-yas-1 and the Aurora Continuum
to access the "Recliner Room" of the Middle-Earth-Watchtower "Seat of Edon".
Home-Play Assignment: The 33-Day Staah-LEi'yas Bio-filter Shift & Edonic
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