Showing posts with label AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2021

KS REALITY TALKS: 8-23-2021 Dr. Paul Theriault - Open Platform

KS REALITY TALKS: 8-23-2021 Dr. Paul Theriault - Open Platform ----------------------------------------------------- We have found the Keylontic Science teachings/information to be the most effective way to reawaken a deep connection through understanding the Truest Nature of Eternal Reality. The premise of this project is an effort to "fill in the gaps" for the generations of newcomers to come. I believe that frequency without a pillar does not stand, and it is the foundational MCEO Freedom Teachings® that will give us that structure to maintain and hold our pillars for the ongoing Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living- KDDL Course™ Series ( This is why it is essential that newcomers have all of the KS foundation readily available to them at this time. It is in the hopes that this platform will also provide a permanent resource for many newcomers to acknowledge and honor the efforts of our Beloved KS family during the early days of this work.


Please note that we are in no way associated with ARhAyas Productions ( E'Asha presents verbatim translations from New information has been given (8/2012 forward) concerning the CDT-Plates and the AL-Hum-Bhra Crystal Disks and how they fit within the structures of the Cos-MA-yah, and how they assist us to understand where the frequencies known as the AL-Hum-Bhra are coming from. These new translations are “Indelible Records”, meaning they cannot be edited or altered. These records hold the entire Memory Matrix of the events information of this Cos-Min-yahas Cluster. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Arhayas: "FAIL-SAFE 5th ANNIVERSARY NOTE" - Part 4 Continued - NEW!

12/16/2016 FAIL-SAFE 5th Anniversary Note – continued PART-4
Earth’s Inevitable Appointment with Eternal Destiny & Inevitably Awakening Humanity”

Introductory Greeting – Guardian Material™ Transcriptions Progress
Copyright © 2016 ARhAyas Productions LLC, All rights reserved.
 previous ones
8/8/2016 – 8/9/2016 “FAIL-SAFE 5TH ANNIVERSARY NOTE” - Part1
Aug 15th, 2016 - "FAIL-SAFE 5th Anniversary Note" - Part 3

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

See ya at the end of 2017

 post restored after he, co-killer of max spiers , contacted/emailed my gf again  after long hiatus...

This one goes out to  "Jakub Gębala"  Especially... Specifically

ok. so us tried her way, that didn't work... out. now its my way you will have to deal.

Energetic Re-retribution,,, hasn't been... nor contribution. 

just i observe old habits rising again into now time....

so OK, you don't want to be authentic , real and able and be the change.... but/and continue to play and deceive and manipulate.

yet you wanna impregnate my GF (for coding) (didn't you ask/email her...)   and tell that your GF soon wife isn't able... to give.. yet she is.. so maybe problem is you... also... not her...  only.....

so next if you cannot comply to that that is asked than and assistance hereby stops in all the ways i have a say in.. and stand.

so if no change there will be , this is my Say.
there will be nothing between us and and co-op ends here. and will not change to the end of 2017 so it be.  i know the consequences it has for some "groups"whom mission time runs out end 2017, so OK. this effects the full 15D spectrum of your being/fam. and if that's the choice so be it.

So I've been kind enough and lenient... and patient long enough  hoping for better.... yet,.....

so think very well about your next actions... as they will effect your probabilities very majorly

so if you got anything to say: email me at and im sure your english is actually well enough... to converse in.

so we will see if you again become part of the problem or solution..

Signed RhA



Update 25-09-2016

more added here i will 2, re "barones"  as it connects...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

KS Reality Talks: ' Rakmeister '( Rha / EG ) January 12 2016

KS Reality Talks
Christopher V Comstock
An interview talk with Rakmeister (RhA/EG)

Censorship with the FT's (Freedom Teachings) is discussed in great detail. Some discussion of what the 'Stealth Shield' is. Rakmeister shares how he has developed his own line of information from the FT's and the expansions he has experienced from this. We discuss the many different representations of the FT's and where the 'official' version of histories and agendas begins and ends.

Or listen/download via soundcloud Audio/only

Youtube channel:
 KS Reality Talks
Chris V Comstock
Rha S ananda (EG)

Soundcloud: (not working)


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Arhayas: The war is over (REPOST)

The war is over

Updates to the published in 2009 introductory texts of MCEO Guardian Alliance:

1. Through the current and ongoing mechanics of the Krystal River Host FAIL-SAFE, our Aurora Earth is now a full-scale Ascension Planet, and its AL-Hum-Bhra Trans-Time Passages D-Span Gates are now, and will remain, permanently open for the next 900 years.

2. The Invisible Grid War/PlasmaWar that our Earth has been entangled within for eons, (and which reached its „0-Point Kryst Tolerance“ between 9/2000 and 8/2011 earth-time when the AL-Hum-Bhra Kryst Fail-Safe Intervention was called and progressively enacted), IS FINALLY OVER, and the Krystal River Al-Hum-Bhra Fail-Safe Host has prevailed.

3. The Planetary Templar and Gate Systems of our Aurora Ascension Earth are now under the full protectorate of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host, and the fallen Gate Systems of Alpha-Omega and FAtaLE are now permanently closed, blocking any further invasion from within or without by the FAtaLE and those choosing the Paths of Fall Return.

[AMCC: AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils of Cosminyahas, MCEO: Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order]

4. Over the next 900 years Aurora Earth time, our Aurora Earth will become an Intergalactic Ascension Station for many lifeforms and forms of consciousness whom will be seeking Final Kryst Host for evacuation from Toral-Rift-Falling Galaxies, such as our Milky Way Galaxy, its many Falling Solar Systems, such as our own. Many Kryst-Hosting lifeforms and consciousness will beginn visiting and incarnating on our Aurora Ascension Earth, to progressively receive the Bio-Regenesis they will need to pass through the Al-Hum-Bhra Passages into the various D-Planes „Island Ascension Plattforms“ of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.

5. During this period of 900 years of Aurora Ascension Earth being an Intergalactic Ascension Station, our Aurora Earth will undergo many changes, both in „coming and going“ of its life and consciousness fields, to various slow-but-progressive geological adjustments the planetary body will engage as the still current 34-Reverse same-spin-set Deathstar Merkaba Field of the NET Earth aspect of Aurora Earth progressively heals and returns to an organic Krystic Merkaba counter-spin-set.

[NET: Nibiruan Electrostatic Transduction Net]

6. The Sun of our Solar System is still Bhardoah-Transition Engaged, a slow but inevitable process that will progressively generate various changes and need for adjustments on our Aurora Earth life field.

[Bhardoah-Transition: The physical body dies and the incarnated consciousness without leaving his material vessel its immediate perceptions platform (reality field / Dimension)]

7. Between 1/3/2012 und 2047 AD, our Aurora Ascension Earth will progressively transfigure another 1/3 of its elemental-atomic-matter-base, and its freqeuncy-corresponding Kryst Hosting life and consciousness fileds, into the Eternal Life elemental-atomic Plasmas of the DhA-Yah-Tei Planes.

8. Between 2047 AD and 2912 AD the remaining 1/3 of our Aurora Ascension Earth elemental-atomic-matter-base and life and consciousness fields will transfigure into the Eternal Life elemental-atomic Plasmas of the DhA-Yah-TEi Planes, as our Aurora Ascension Earth and M31-Ascension Urtha slowly and progressively engage their own cycle of Planetary Tan-Tri-A'jha Blend, to eventually fulfill their Krystar Adashi-3 Ascension via the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.

[Urtha: "Trans-harmonic" M31- "HOST" -Planet our earth who would have become in an undisturbed advancement cycle after Tara / Alcyone in harmonic universe 2. The Stargates to Tara, however, are "fallen"]

9. For now, our „Life After Earth“ begins where we are, here and now, and the Beloved Eternal Kryst Guardians of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal River Fail-Safe Host will progressiviely engage subtle contact with those choosing the Krystal River Host, so they may progressively share with us the Sacred „Tan-Tri-AhUra Teachings – The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry“, through which we can grow, expand and rediscover ourselves as Eternal Life Krystic beings entrusted with Custodianship over our Beloved Aurora Ascension Earth Planetary Templar, as we all move together through the 900 years of Aurora Ascension Earth's Krystal River Fail-Safe Host.