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Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts
Wednesday, February 08, 2023
Monday, August 18, 2014
Energetic Synthesis: Expanding Consciousness - Newsletter August
August 2014
Expanding Consciousness
Dear Ascending Family,
Consciousness is Energy
During the Ascension Cycle the planet
and humanity is undergoing vibrational shifts which radically impact the
individual mind, the collective race mind, the planetary mind; all
which exist at uniquely different frequency rates of Consciousness. Each
of the uniquely different frequency rates of Consciousness form a
distinctive level of energetic intelligence or sentience. Sentience is
the varied ability of any type of entity to have a subjective perceptual
experience as a characteristic of intelligence or as a facet of
developing higher sensory perception.
The higher the overall frequency of the
Consciousness that uniquely forms the energy of any entity is the
relationship to more advanced levels of intelligence and sentience. It
is a natural biological process for all human beings to have the ability
to evolve and to Expand Consciousness whichincreases levels of sentience.
- What is Consciousness? Consciousness is energy, and energy is Conscious, they are both interchangeable. All energy is intelligent. Our Soul and Monadic spiritual body is Consciousness and therefore Intelligent Energy.
- What is Sentience? Sentience is the ability of any type of entity to have a subjective sensory or perceptual experience as a characteristic of intelligence, higher mind or as a facet of developing higher sensory perception. Sentience levels, the acquiring of senses, are based on the quality of energy and Consciousness rate of frequency which works as a function through that body.
- What is Expanding Consciousness? Increasing energy through the intentional connection with higher frequencies is what changes the rate of vibration. What we think and how we behave is a rate of frequency. If we change how we think and behave we raise our frequency. Access to higher frequency is how one accesses higher intelligence which are levels of higher operating sentience. Expanding Consciousness goes beyond acquiring mental knowledge in linear thinking and into the realm of direct cognition and higher sensory perceptual experiences. Expanding Consciousness allows one to perceive things as they really are and not what one wishes them to be. Expanding Consciousness means:
- increasing energy to the body, mind, heart and spirit
- increasing intelligence through non linear thinking
- increasing consciousness frequency
- increasing sentience and sensory abilities
- increasing connectivity between body functions; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
- increasing awareness of intelligent energy in all things
- increasing the connectivity of higher spiritual bodies
- increasing frequency rate of combined energetic bodies
- increasing energetic synthesis which initiates dormant DNA/RNA
- increasing health and wellbeing through homeostasis
- increasing peaceful and benevolent feelings
- decreasing energy blocks which reduce density levels in matter
- decreasing pain, addiction and suffering
- decreasing deception, lies and delusions from magical or wishful thinking
With the Sophianic Body Correction underway, the transformation of our Expanding Consciousness merges
with the greater scientific understanding of initiating previously
dormant DNA/RNA. The capacity of DNA activation made through expanding
consciousness, by expanding energy and higher frequency rates, plays an
important and direct role in spiritual ascension. The continual
expansion of consciousness will push humanity to go beyond linear
thinking and adapt to nonlinear thinking in order to resolve the many
issues humanity faces.
Linear vs. Non-Linear Thinking
Linear thinking is the process of
thought following known step-by-step progression where a response to a
step must be elicited before another step is taken. (Step 1, Step 2,
Step 3….) Linear thinkers put things in order as they experience them in
a sequential manner, like a straight line. A straight line between two
points has been the way we have been educated as the most effective way
to get from one place to another. Linear thinkers see the world mostly
as black and white (the polarity structure or bi-wave influence). A
person limited to linear thinking has mental blocks in reaching more
options for resolution or reaching compromise because they cannot
perceive outside a certain parameter. An example of limitation in linear
thinking is the capacity to creatively problem solve an issue if the
primary procedure breaks down, to find alternative ways, to inquire or
ask the right question in the problem solving equation, or to find the
balance point for resolution. Additionally, linear thinkers do not
communicate with the consciousness inherent in living things, like the
land, animals and nature. Because linear thinking is repetitious and in
many situations the outcome or result never changes, this stunts higher
sensory perception and suppresses consciousness. The mind gets stuck in
a gear of belief and linear experience that it cannot shift out of. The
more inflexible the mind, the weaker it is.
Most people perceive the external
structures of reality based on information conveyed by their main
senses, which is their operating sentience level. Some people have five
main senses that are controlled by their Unconscious Mind functions, and
others with developed higher sensory perception, have accumulated more
sensory ability by expanding their access into their higher mind
function. If sensory information is missing, partially blocked, or
misunderstood through wrong perception, people impose their semblance of
linear order without the benefit of all the proper information. This is
assuming something to be true and accurate while holding only the
tiniest infinitesimal variable that prevents one from seeing the whole
facts or larger picture. Purely linear thinking ultimately confines the
intelligence to the lower aspects of mind and lower instinctual senses.
Linear thinking contracts energy. Linear thinking contracts
consciousness and limits expanded sensory feelings such as intuition.
Thought addicted linear thinkers close down their heart and this closes
down their body feeling mechanism.
Non-linear thinkers have developed a
capacity for spiral thinking and problem solving which extends into
multiple directions or as an outward expansion spiral. Rather than
thinking in step by step moving in one direction, spiral thinkers
inherently know that there are multiple starting points from which one
can apply the solution to a problem. Spiral thinkers are able to
traverse the many directions the problem may have and find the central
root or causal issue of the problem, rather than trying to solve the
surface symptom. Most world problems have a causation of which many
layers of other problems are stacked on top in layers as the result.
This is the same as a medical diagnosis giving a label to something that
does not address the deeper cause and its root infection. Most linear
thinking keeps the mind sliding on the surface going back and forth and
finally in a circle which remains static. Nonlinear or spiral thinking
allows the mind to go deeper to the root of the problem, spiral it out
in multiple directions from its source, which is the most effective way
to impact deeper resolution and change. Spiral thinkers are accessing
beyond the functions of the three layers of ego mind. They access a new
higher sensory ability through the contact made to the higher mind,
which is a function of higher consciousness or spirit-energy
intelligence. Training your mind to go beyond linear thought and into
nonlinear thinking expands energy, expands consciousness and potentially
opens ones heart and feeling centers.
How Does Energy Contract and Expand?
Energy is Consciousness and it either
contracts or expands to maintain or increase its frequency rate. The
process of how fast or slow energy contracts back towards its center
point of source field is the Vibration rate. The process of how fast or
slow that same energy expands away from the center point of the source
field is the Oscillation rate. The combination of both the pattern of
Vibration (contraction) and Oscillation (expansion) speed is what
determines the frequency rate of all energy and things. As our personal,
collective and planetary consciousness raises frequency, the matter
world, including our physical bodies, also becomes less dense as our
frequency increases.
The meaning of higher frequency
consciousness and sentience are intentionally confused through linear
thinkers. Some of those linear thinkers are in panel debates arguing in
circles as the supposed experts because they have many initials behind
their name and credentials in their scientific field. Rather than have
open dialogues of cross pollination in the progressive development of
mainstream sciences, divide and conquer mentality is present within the
circles of experts competing for some precedence in their field. The NAA
does not want any of the scientific communities collaborating together
in nonlinear thought in a unified stance for serving humanitarian based
ethics. That would foster expanding consciousness, compassion and
empathy for the human condition where nonlinear thinking could actually
solve some major planetary problems. They would rather reward the
standard procedures which generate conflicts of interest, backbiting,
lack of empathy and one-upmanship for a competitive race to the finish
line to see who gets the next awarded grant money from the Rockefellers.
Mainstream Science Confirmation Bias
Linear thinking along with this problem of selfish ambition before human ethics, contributes to scientific confirmation bias.
No person in academia wants to suffer the consequences of making new
scientific discoveries that the mainstream science community will
aggressively crucify. Academic careers are ruined in this way while out
casting the target for victimization. Sadly, this negative behavior is
neither supportive to developing human potential, nor resolving the many
critical problems of the planet through acquiring new scientific
Depending on which of the mainstream
sciences that attempts to discuss the nature of Consciousness,
Consciousness takes on a variety of meanings in the area of science that
has confirmation bias based on peer consensus. Confirmation bias is the
tendency to favor information that confirms one's beliefs or personally
invested hypotheses. People display this bias when they gather in a
"reality bubble" of group consciousness, that they interpret in a biased
way to defend their power, status or position.
At Oxford Universities with such fellow
emeritus as Charles Darwin and his protégé Richard Dawkins, there is an
intellectually superior advocacy of atheistic science as an agenda in
the high status, high powered and highly awarded academics. Atheism
holds the belief there is no soul, there is no after life existence, and
all of the people that have those experiences directly are discredited
through a diagnosis of delusions or brain hallucination. In his 2006
book "The God Delusion", Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator
does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion—"a fixed false
belief". The likelihood that any person achieving a Master Degree in
Science at Oxford would be willing to challenge this absolute
precedence, set by fellow emeritus that atheism and Darwin are
intellectually superior as models of evolutionary biology, is made slim
to none. Anything beyond this Darwinian belief system is thought idiotic
and ignorant because Oxford implies it so. This is confirmation bias.
Although Dawkins has reacted to the
religious dogma of NAA religion with atheistic fervor, (and we all know
why) he has missed the major connection point. The marriage between
expanding consciousness, higher levels of operating sentience and
ethical world humanism all relate entirely. One cannot be a true
humanist and be separated from the Soul by insisting it is a delusion.
The Soul is an intrinsic part of the empathic sentience of a human
being. The World Soul and its empathic sentience have nothing to do
with World Religion. When one cannot recognize Soul in the self, one
cannot recognize Soul or levels of sentience that is present in other
living things. This sets precedence for confirmation bias for the
scientific basis of atheism across all mainstream sciences. Most
certainly this gentleman has not had direct communication with his Soul
or contact with higher intelligence beyond himself. These are the people
in academic leadership responsible for molding the world's most
prestigious educators and thinkers.
The goal is to create intellectual mind
machines at the most prestigious academic levels to block direct sensory
experience of higher Consciousness, as directed through highly
respected faculty like Dawkins. This way humans will use high technology
in barbaric methods to cut into other humans, chop up animals, rip out
body parts, fuse DNA with cross species and genetically implant our
brain with computer chips as the academics at Oxford applaud this as
humanist based "evolutionary biology". This is the newly burgeoning
ideology of Transhumanism, merging eugenics, artificial intelligence and
technology with human biology, which essentially is the idea of
evolving humans into cyborgs. This is a perfect cover for promoting the
Controller reptilian mind control in the academic ranks to oppress human
consciousness and shut down direct knowledge of heart based sentience.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Energetic Synthesis: Krystal Kaleidoscope - June 2014 #Shifting Timelines
Krystal Kaleidoscope
Dear Ascending Family,
Returning from a deeply transformative
Planetary Emancipation Gridwork project from a distant country, we have
been burning the midnight oil to meet the requirements of an extreme
effort being made now. No matter where we are at in our human or
spiritual development, many feel the weight of the changes and intense
pressure building in the environment. When there is applied pressure
from the field there is greater chaos, and the environment has been
filled with these chaotic forces.
This effort is made in preparation for
yet another new level of color frequency spectrums being projected as
radiant light holograms into the planetary core manifestation
architecture. A Krystal Kaleidoscope of plasmic light
mirrored architecture is emerging into physical quantifications of color
that project entirely new spectrums of light, frequency and time code.
(What this means is that the particle wave manifestation of new color
spectrums on planet is being observed, as well as the source code of its
emanation generating from the Krystal Kaleidoscope
from the Aurora time continuum.) These reflective bands of coded plasmic
light are being woven into sequential circuits into certain geographic
areas of the planet. One purpose is to build multiple access points in
our earth timelines that may potentially resonate in "reflectional
symmetry" with the upcoming convergence happening in the Trans-time
The Krystal Kaleidoscope
is being described as such because this architecture operates similarly
as to what we can understand from our human perspective as when looking
into a kaleidoscope. A Kaleidoscope operates on the principle of
multiple reflections, where several mirrors are placed at an angle of
degree to one another. Typically there are three rectangular mirrors set
at 60° to each other so that they form an equilateral triangle. The 60°
angle creates several duplicate images of the objects, five at 60°, and
2 at 90°. As the tube is rotated, the tumbling of the colored objects
presents varying colors and configurations in a beautiful symmetrical
pattern created by the reflections.
This is
reclamation of all Krystal Identities on earth to be returned for
rehabilitation to the Aurora Founder Dimensions in the Trans-time
This does not mean we drop the body. What it means is we
are connected to the Founder's Krystal Consciousness identities in the
Trans-time continuum in order to make the load out of earth humans to
the Aurora time continuum in the future. This is the GSF Ascension
timeline hosted by Krystal Star.
What this also means is that if there is
no mirrored symmetry present in the reflection of that figure or form
to Aurora colors, they will not perceive the Krystal
Kaleidoscope design, source field of actual identity or any of its
creations. This means it is essentially invisible to them because it
simply does not exist in their lower dimensional perception of reality.
This will eventually present the choice between eviction with the
Vandal-Fallen NAA groups, annihilation of their species memory or
genetic rehabilitation monitored under Krystal Star host on another
globe chain.
Time Vectors hold Fire Codes
The upcoming Gemini influence and other
cosmological arrangements around this June's Summer Solstice are
projecting a deep process of saturation of primary Aurora color coding
through the Krystal Kaleidoscope. The Aurora Rays are
plasma wave patterns building layers of kaleidoscopic color coded
shields which geometrically intersect with the Aurora time continuum.
The Aurora time continuum is accessed within multiple time vectors
located in the Trans-time fields.
Time Vectors are time codes which
relate to fire codes or fire letters which are directly a part of
activating planetary and human DNA. Through the activation of fire codes
in DNA one shifts timelines, one can bypass timelines, one can
eliminate destructive timelines and one may remember or view cellular
memories in other timelines.
When one is observing cellular memories
from another timeline, it allows participation with the choices made
that had impacted the past, present or future, through changing or
clearing those memories that were made in those timelines. This is
referred to as "rehabilitation of the timeline" which is made through
the repair of genetic damage that was caused by the time vector code that holds the historical record of those accumulated cellular memories.
Color Correction = Changes Cellular Memories
To be permeated with the Omniversal
Primary Ray Colors of our Founder's original blueprint being
holographically projected from the Krystal Kaleidoscope in the Aurora
time continuum is to say that many of us are undergoing a massive color
correction to all of our Ray bodies. Also, the Ray attributes and
aspects of color waves that have resulted from previous distortions in
our manifested creations throughout timelines are in a process of color
Color correction and frequency
saturation changes cellular memories and shifts timelines because it
simultaneously shifts causal events that led into distortions or genetic
damage made to our consciousness bodies.
This process of Aurora color wave
saturation brings with it our original Ray bodies that design our
consciousness blueprint, the colors of which our many auric layers were
formed. These are Ray attributes of our higher identity cellular
memories which penetrate the subatomic layers of our energetic blueprint
in this "now self" identity. Unstable forces and extreme polarities
buried within our subatomic layers are surfacing now similar to the
smelting process in metallurgy. Alchemical processes are applied
sequentially to decompose the carbon slag and miasmatic debris layers to
extract the purity of our true essence (gold) from the body. The
tempering of our personal mettle extracts the pure elemental substances
that forge the crystal diamond heart to birth within our golden body.
Of the seven metals known in antiquity only gold
occurred regularly in native form in the natural environment. This is
because our physical matter is made from the base chemical element of
gold and so is our planet. It is strange to think that gold coins became
the representation of the external value of our selves, because when
the Aliens came to this planet they coveted that gold. Therefore, they
coveted humans.
Shifting Subatomic Layers
The current evolutionary theme ending
with the recent Taurean transformation is the process of spiritual
integration of the reassembled parts the inner spirit has newly created
in the energetic layers of the body consciousness. For many people this
time has required polarity integration between the newly reassembled
parts of these required patterns being synthesized into one's
Although many people on earth cannot
sense the physical perception of these new color frequency spectrums,
these Krystal Kaleidoscopes are color rays that deeply penetrate
cellular bodies and stimulate the cells. The deep cellular change to our
subatomic layers has polarizing impacts to our sense of identity which
physically manifest in our life experiences. This is a great inner purge
occurring, all the hidden demons, devils, egos, aliens and their
foreign substances and machinery in previous timelines are being ramped
up to the surface. Most people in the masses are very confused by what
they are looking at, and if it threatens their belief system, they tend
to use an ego defense mechanism such as repression, suppression or
projection in order to cope. (Learn more about common ego defense mechanisms here)
This can stimulate the person's hidden
distortions to explode, or it can stimulate the person's purity from
their inner spirit to congeal within their body. One may feel inner
peace and comfort, or feel explosive and tumultuous, or ride the roller
coaster of both experiences until energetic synthesis of the mind, body, and spirit is complete. This is a part of the Magnum Opus of Spiritual Alchemy.
As we persevere the strength of our
inner spirit is the fortitude and strength of our character to cope with
the challenges we face with humility, in a flexible and resilient way.
Our ego does not have strength to cope with extreme pressures; it is our
inner spirit that always prevails to strengthen our character beyond
our wildest imagining. The spirit knows if you give up you will have to
do it again in some other form or way. Being on the earth during the
ascension cycle can be a tough commitment!
Ultimately, the spirit awakening inside
each person must choose their personal attributes and beliefs as their
way of being in this world, no matter what the external people, places
and things are doing. This is making the choice of spiritual-energetic
authority every day, whether one believes this is happening or not. The
choice is made in the measurable form of what one values and gives power
to in their world. The belief systems based on deception and ego
defense mechanisms are breaking apart and that dismantling results in
many people suffering. Mental pain is created from the inner confusion
of being shown that what one actually thought was truth is not, and it
is later revealed to be a level of great deception.
Through our ego's dark ignorance we
suffer from not understanding the reasons why we feel we have been
deceived and therefore, betrayed. When humans hurt from constant pain of
deception-betrayal cycles, they tend to blame something or someone on
the external for the deep pain they feel. The more attached we are to
the material world, the more we think that we were in full control of
our lives, the worse we suffer when we approach the spiritual phases of
ego defense dismantling.
The current convergence into Trans-Time,
a sequential result of the bifurcation in time, amplifies lower
polarity collective thought forms and dark energies for those beings
that hold more percentage of that density in their body. Generally, this
is technological mind control and the genetic damage from alien
machinery and alien hybridization that these groups of humans are
totally unaware of due to the hidden NAA agenda. The bio-neurological
genetic damage is a mental sickness that is spiritually abusive and
destructive to the self and others, with intent to harm.
Studying Archontic Deception (AD) Methods
As the descending matrices amplify in
certain areas on planet, and those groups of people subscribe to its
forms of behavioral hatred and killing, they are mercilessly used by
forces they do not understand. Many humans of all age groups that hold
high percentage of darkness are taken over by these feral forces by
acting out the NAA archontic methods of the consciousness war against
humanity. By studying the profile of Orion Groups and the NAA factions,
(See Archontic Deception Behaviors) one can easily chart this collective
anti-human behavior and its mind control playing out in the unconscious
masses. One AD strategy is to program trauma and death patterning into
children as young as possible. Children become unresponsive to death and
killing as if it's of no consequence or importance. This is a
biological warfare strategy to mind controls a race of people into
automatons and psychopaths. Recently, in the collective we can see an
increase of teenagers and young adults being manipulated into committing
mass murders of their own family members or schoolmates. These are
levels of possessions, such as thought-form possession and entity
possession that use archontic mind control thoughts to manipulate what
that person perceives as an external reality.
Once one has context for the AD
strategy, methods and behaviors it is a survival tool to refocus, clear
and switch these behaviors off when you are exposed to extreme stress
and chaos. To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we require
attitudinal behavior guidelines to overcome the insanity of the
Archontic Deception and their anti-life forces. All decisions one is
able to make from an informed position by identifying Archontic
behaviors as they happen, and refusing them from controlling your
behavior, will increase personal discernment and energetic resonance of
peace in one's life. The only thing any person can change is themselves
through their heart responses and behaviors. The change starts within.
These NAA factions are weary and
desperate of what they can measure as the quantic energy yield that is
changing hands in their control. Yet, many are still not aware of the
current implications.
Through Trans-time convergence, the
complete erasure of the Orion invasion timelines on earth is the
potential that the Krystal Kaleidoscope Architecture holds inherently in
its mirrored reflection symmetry.
Trans-Time Continuum Convergence
As we move into the Trans-time continuum
cycle the potential to access all 12 Planetary time cycles through each
of the 12 previous Astrological Precessions is occurring. This
potential opened from the combination of:
- Universal Galactic Core aligns with multiple Omniversal Cores in Ascension Neutron Window
- Universal Founders Threefold Flame sparked into matter fields (1D-2D-3D)
- Four Pillars of Man activated its tetrahedron structure into 12 Pillars of the Guardians through Inner Worlds
- Guardian of 12 Pillars anchored into all Three Parallel Universes in the Triune
- The 12 Pillars tetrahedron in the Triune formed the Geometric Tesseract of the Cosmic Cube Matrix of 144,000 architecture is built from schematic held by Oraphim
- 3D Earth has contact with Aurora Time Continuum, GSF Ascension timelines
- Earth has opening in Trans-time to access Omniversal Founder Codes that bond the entire Personal Christ identities to the Founder DNA.
- Earth has potential in Trans-time to access Time vectors the replace Fire Codes that shift timelines that erupted from Orion Invasion causal event of the NAA over 208,000 years ago.
Additionally, this is made possible from
the massive sound pillars that have been secured on planet and are able
to reinforce various level of the Krystal Star architecture in the four
main areas of Easter Island, Jerusalem, Norway and Peru. Secondary and
tertiary architectural fortifications are being held in small planetary
bodies that lay in the periphery of the "Ring of Fire" in the basin of
the Pacific Ocean. These Aurora rehabilitated pillars when activated
into their tetrahedron structure (four triangular faces) are also called
the 12 Guardians of the Tribal Shield which are created from the
consciousness network referred to as the Four Pillars of Man.
Ultimately the tetrahedron structure forms the base of the Geometric
Tesseract which is the Cosmic Cube Matrix of God's 144,000, which is the
architecture held by the Oraphim for City Four Square. The Founder
Guardian Oraphim are the Keepers and protectors of the City Four Square
schematic in its geometric Tesseract design (Cosmic Cube Matrix). These
are the Omniversal Time Code Keepers that we are capable to interact and
communicate within this dimension of the earth timelines during the
Trans-time continuum opening.
This Trans-time continuum cycle reaches
its peak in mid-July within a six year cycle of Guardian projects
established to override NAA architecture that was/is pushing future
timeline events into the Alpha-Omega or 911 Agenda. Six years ago the
Guardian Groups were working in the preliminary layers of the timelines
in the four planetary rounds infected with alien machinery to meet this
current window of opportunity in the Trans-time convergence. Reviewing
this timeline in 2008 will give clues to current revelations happening
now as we move deeper into the Krystal architecture and timeline repair.
Quoted from August 2008, "Illusions Shattered":
There are four (4) evolutionary
rounds of three (3) Planetary Cycles totaling 12 dimensional timelines
that comprise the particle and anti-particle Universe. The Ascension
cycle is about accelerating through a gradual particle/antiparticle
merge of these 12 timelines. The four rounds within each Age of the 12
dimensional time cycles are approximate 26,000 year cycles. These rounds
(Astrological Ages) are also known as the "Precession of the
Equinoxes", which refers to the precession of Earth's axis of rotation
with respect to inertial space.
Within each cycle there is more nested
cycles, currently we are in a multiple cycle convergence which creates
windows of opportunity for access into other Trans-time dimensions. Now
it is possible that we meet the co-resonant vibrational points in the
timeline that cross into other timelines beyond when the last Universal
Ascension Cycle transpired over 208,000 year ago. This co-resonant
vibrational access point in the Trans-time continuum is converging with
the Triune of Universal cycles beyond 312,000 years ago. There are three
parallel universes which intersect on a Triune Scale which impact all
of the Universal Timelines and evolutionary rounds. Beyond the combined
meeting point of the triune of time vectors from 208,000 years ago the
DNA template and Founder 48 Strand Shield are accessible through the
Trans-time continuum by Oraphim levels in this current identity
Why is this Important for Humanity?
This timeline is before the Orion
Invasion which resulted in many timelines of cataclysm which further
required wormhole caps and frequency fences related to NAA intruder
invasion timeline events and other direct causal events relating to
alien hybridization, both from agreed upon hybridization contracts and
those created from forced alien abduction.
Accessing this timeline brings a whole
new level of finding, accessing and downloading the original angelic
human race cellular memories that belong to the entire Personal Christos
gestalt of consciousness. These are huge amounts of Christ
Consciousness identities that are located throughout many different
timelines in the Triune of Universal Scale simultaneously.
Restoring the original cellular memories
of the Personal Christ Consciousness template for every human being
that is incarnated in this timeline is made possible through a
vibrational access point in this trans-time continuum convergence. The
unknown factor is where the embodiment will take place at group soul
levels, however, this means that many humans in the current process of
soul death or fragmentation will have another chance at Krystal
rehabilitation beyond the astral plane. The Astral plane is in the
process of dying because it has to, from what has occurred there.
This Trans-time opening is converging
with Oraphim Founder consciousness from the higher Spectra God worlds to
collaborate in building Krystal architecture (shields) that bond the
entire Personal Christ identities to the Founder DNA.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
The Call into the Ether ~ 31 May 2014 ~ Ra Ka Isha © Speaks #Updated
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(1st i posted it as a note... on G+ my circles only. but on 2nd thought ill drop it here.) |
So.... the triple-seal i set... in fr... #12 will remain for a while longer.. eta? no eta!.
& group messing with grid.. #LION , tot han frack around some more on the Poles*(*N/Z), working against everything... , made their biggest mistake of 2014 so far. 2013 them fracked up, 2014 again.... their choice and consequences in accordance.. it holds in progressive unfolding of now time status tobe and to come...
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Left: note... Andrew.. Right PSG12 APIN+Systems+-+Manual_Page4 |
With main lets give out new orders to them unwilling-non-aware-puppets from .UK en .EG(egypt)(and 2 more spots). so them 2 ships... well better hide them or return... aka leave.. on own will... or re-allign. or maybe soon "poef" them goners. who knows what future has in store... No Ai can foresee.... nopes..
Rest others can secure other submissions that are part of the whole. so ill do something else than again wasnt expected well good. gotta be "controversial" once in a while. and its fun when they cannot forsee whats coming. and their actions just show more of them in their futileness.
So 1st will override some a their places recode to 12D. and than.. reclaim it yep
1st that, than: the knock knock on the door. this is your choice i give you. pick one any one... and think it over very..well as it will effect them whole group. past present and future.
rest as it was is in motion and under protocol... protected. and likewise 7 will help the 2 sphere in sphere (but total 4 spheres is for later time in physicalness maybe onday. )
Same goes for some a them apparitions that turn up at some folks when its info that true and opposite to what them taught them.. and than get mad at them. for posting about it. and than try and deceit some more by keeping them on a leech with melchizedek symbolism and terms all relating to same select few. and exclude the "others" as them they dont want to speak of, as it would expose their modes operandus/of operation. and show what they rly stand for... and the massive level of soul-group abuse that has been ongoing for ages... but best way to help a group. is to directly incarnate into it. voila. but that requires balance of essence of being to not be tricked... into. but firmly stand. just stand ;)
So some will keep supporting the domination and manipulation by non choice. non freedom and feed the same system/beast. as them persons here have more light than any a them buggers out there. incl the menace as someone called them. jehovi;s and that still use past-life manipulation to effect the person in the here and know. beside false memory implants/crystals (dark crystals) that are still embedded in their biofield , untill cleared them cannot rly see....
So i'm setting up my own support grid for my ... thing and from there well rest ima not telling not thinking nor any a that so gl trying to predictive program me for data.....
if with some things im early well good means i have more time to properly prepare Meister style. as i remove more dust from my long kept hidden past/path , like Vril 1920/1960 , or life before it in Japan,. or before that 16/1700'ish re Vatican Medici Banker (matches more data i gotten) and much more to come.
As the Owls have seen a lot... observe... see... know... Grande Yanas.
& the Ninja Kittens Squad is on location where needed.
just like i send 3 a my spirit animals on a task and remains as such...
So what does it mean to wake up
Well 1st you gotta see what your doing for and whom directs it than see the bigger context beyond them buggers, and than see that actually what one may have been doing goes against everything one might stand for and ones mission might be...
And some would like to see whole race-lines wiped of the map. as that was same in past and same in ancient past , that/them hasn't changed . as them keep making same mistake over and over again. and well there is a line drawn till here and no further, and i still dare any a them to step forward if them chooses in opposition and than cross that line and than its their own choice... and than they will see. like last time it made a bump in the timeline that wasn't observed ever before and still ripples going out... of it.. in time-space.
So enjoy the summer catch some SOL rays charge up <3
And enjoy the ride.. be smart think & care... as "now" does matter.
Likewise for ones: spouse , sisters/bro;s mom's/dads sons&daughters one does carry the freq/vib onto,but/if, so you cannot transmit: "that" you cannot embody or hasn't activated. by not knowing and just trying from inner-senses as we all do/try. so again that's the freewill choice to work on self for self for all others.
And with some well i stand alone. so be it. other things got a core group and other things more in works. and rest under full supervision.
ill walk mah path till one day that i have dreamt might be there. in DRT . DRO.
Funny also how some so silent, re asked Q;s im guessing its over their heads beyond them.. or unwilling to think of.. as them not on that level. so not many out there to talk on that level about.
Past , Present & Future-Self's are looking at you... What Will You Do...?!!
and DONT FORGET THE ORIGINAL INTENT... even with the deception blackmail and intermixing of pastevents into a manipulative stage of nowtime.
O.K enough typing....
im of to get mah suntan
shine SOL shine
Ra Ka Isha
The Controverial One
The Controverial One
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The Eyes of the Cat Storm OP |
thats all
A good watch also -> Andrew Bartzis
To The Awakening Ones
Prognoses of Our Future, June 2014
Our Platform is Leaving the Reversed Monadic Program
Energy Work for June 2014
How this Work and What You will Get for Free
Something to Think About
On the Concept of Source
My notes on elementals and devas
The Monadic Reversal Program
A preview on the articles to come
A little heads up from me
Welcome to the Restoration Zones

Thursday, May 01, 2014
Newsletter: Kiesha Crowther "Little Grandmother" - Wisdom Keeper - MARCH 2014
Newsletter Little Grandmother

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