http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/ |
Endings .....
All of these incredible combinations have pushed many people and
circumstances to boiling points, through major life upheavals and
transitions and some of them have been quite challenging. So this
particular timeline is about huge completions, doors slamming shut,
beyond the deepest depth of internalized changes, and our simultaneous
rebirth into the new world while we prepare for our grand debut. It is
all just about ready to be kicked off for our anticipated "show time"
which as a cycle is a phase altering your reality at this time.
(Reminder: YOU ARE on a spiritual mission and on the brink of a creative
breakthrough into a new reality! Just in case you forgot in the purple
haze of the last serving of the energetic 144 course meal dished out by
the Universe!)
We are still being influenced by the current
Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter T-square which may produce spontaneous, erratic,
destructive behavior in the spiritually unaware and emotionally reactive
type of person. For those more spiritually developed, this
configuration will motivate us to adapt quickly to radical change and to
find creative solutions to rise above destructive scenarios and
emotional havoc.
It's actually all very exciting, but given what we've just been
through with the T-Square arrangement, we need to be particularly
careful because many people are still a bit shell-shocked from all the
barrage influx of energies. Be gentle with yourself and others.
Some things are ending rather abruptly and you may not see why
immediately, but have faith and trust that something is moving you into
your new energy space. Currently the sparks are flying as the situations
that are coming to an end may have had some harsh edges to it. However,
don't let yourself get engulfed in the flames... the fires can be put
out quickly when you nurture yourself and others with unconditional love
and compassion. There is much we are letting go of. Please be calm and
stay on course.
Polarity Conflicts
The Astrology and its energy impacts is yet another shift of intense
energy that is catalyzing humanities progress into one of the increasing
polarity spirals. Our downward or upward spiral of personal evolution
will again be exponentially increased by these recent forces. For those
of us more consciously interacting with these forces, it will be
apparent this is serving to propel us to our soul destiny. This influx
of energy is amplifying these spirals creating an ever increasing
polarity junction between the 3D and Multidimensional (MD) fields of
possible realities.
I have been witnessing the latest stages of our delineation during
this frequency split and observing that it has created amplification in
the outward perception of polarities. I have been witnessing a lot of
humans in the old 3D programs like "us vs. them" and it must be "this
way or the highway" or it's "wrong". Over the last month in these
intense astro-energy conjunctions, these old patterns progressively
surface in the factions within the classic types of polarity struggle.
The advisory has mentioned this will be highly problematic for us at
this level of reality (and ongoing) and it's important to not let it
suck you into its grand illusion. The ego loves a story and it's the
tiniest of fine lines to navigate this evolutionary time in order to be
clear and integrated with our new Multidimensionality. Stay out of the
archetypes of drama playing out the storyline by maintaining a state of
engaged detachment and observation.
Ultimately when you are inquiring within to ask the inner discernment
questions, you must be positioned to surrender it ALL at the Altar of
your Heart. This opens to allow the Super-conscious Genius of your
Higher Christos Self to guide you in each moment. How can we judge any
part of this process in another? We must be more tolerant and accepting
of each other during these unique times. We each have such a perfectly
orchestrated purpose that we are contributing to the One Divine Source.
A Rock and a Hard Place!
If we have been in dissonant situations that must change, we have
felt incredibly dense, compressed and compacted these last weeks. Rest
assured it's a temporary cycle, the Guardians have discussed many
reasons as to why we are feeling such physical density as we actually
"drop" this density from our bodies. One interesting note the advisory
mentioned to me is that the planetary fields are undergoing shifts
changing the sustained state of concentrated magnetism. (They spoke of
how the Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF) move substance into manifestation
and the fact this process of EMF movement is changing rapidly on the
planet right now) They gave preparations as to say we would feel like we
were being squeezed within a very small space, akin to being in a
birthing canal right before we are being born into the world. This
birthing pain is in the middle of contraction and is exactly where we
may find ourselves now. More self care and rest is needed from this
constriction as when it occurs like this in our physical bodies as it
leaves us more vulnerable to negative elementals, thought-forms, mind
control and other lower vibration phenomena. All we can do to keep
ourselves "expanded" and relaxed is important to stay calm and cohesive
(sane). It is very important to do your daily spiritual housecleaning
now and I highly recommend the ES Core Triad practice daily as the daily
spiritual vitamin to keep you fortified and strong.
New Earth Element Encryption
The latest energetic shift developing for our Ascension Biologies
that I am witnessing for some of us now, is that the elemental physical
body is getting upgraded at the subatomic and molecular level. This
subatomic level of our elemental-physical body blueprint commences at
the first layer of our "core manifestation template". This "template" is
the 1st dimensional layer that consciousness utilizes to manifest in
the physical worlds.
Also, this first layer is at the 1st
Dimensional level of the Earth plane and its vital energies are
synthesized and transmitted through our bodies via our Root Chakra or
1st Chakra. Those ready to receive these new elemental
encryptions are starting the process of being released from the old
energy structures (this includes the timelines of its cellular record in
our bodies) that existed in the 1st dimensional level and being
reorganized with new elementals, new divine particles from the 12 D
Blueprint levels of the future planet Earth. KA RA YA SA TA AA LA!
We are still processing the effects of recent shifts and we will feel
much more integrated if we can relax into the process. However, this
has created a host of unusual physical symptoms that I want to share
with any of you that may be transiting through physical changes.
- Feeling toxicity moving through your body.
- Heaviness in your digestive area and liver as they are working overtime to process these energies.
- Skin breakouts, rashes and pimples
- Spleen issues may have sympathetic points of stress. (Bleeding on nose tip and nose areas)
- Inner Ear and sinus activity, congestion, fluids, ringing and strange sounds.
- Unusual "smells" or odors coming from your physical body. Most
common is a burning type of smell, or "smoky" smell. Your body is
burning off density molecularly.
- Feeling pregnant or bloated type of symptoms.
- Sleeping and needing to lay down.
- Vertigo, spins and some time space disorientation.
- Entities, tricksters and astral "surreal" like dreams and scenarios showing up.
- Many have had the bout of Ascension Flu to keep you down to rest and integrate the spiritual work of your energy selves.
- Excessive fears around security, stability, future safety, issues with father archetypes of protection.
This is a good time to purify yourself in all means necessary and as
you feel guided. Stay bundled warm and check in with physical detoxing
as it may need to be placed on your to-do list. Rest, Drink, Breathe and
Expand in all ways you can! Time for a pajama party and a cup of hot
(Source: Multidimensional Intersection April 2007)