September 2018
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
What we have today is an increasingly sophisticated full-spectrum assault on the free will and the psychological well-being of all people. We are in a war over consciousness which necessitates that we pay attention and develop our own personal formulas for navigating the controlled chaos being generated in the public scape. There are some heavy agendas being rolled out, being served up on lies and deceptions in an effort to make them acceptable to the public over time. For this reason, we examine the nature of Propaganda and how psychological manipulation is commonly used to weaponize the 3D narrative to control the perception of others through deceptive, abusive and underhanded tactics, in order to advance the primary control agenda and the selfish interests of manipulators and sociopaths.
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
What we have today is an increasingly sophisticated full-spectrum assault on the free will and the psychological well-being of all people. We are in a war over consciousness which necessitates that we pay attention and develop our own personal formulas for navigating the controlled chaos being generated in the public scape. There are some heavy agendas being rolled out, being served up on lies and deceptions in an effort to make them acceptable to the public over time. For this reason, we examine the nature of Propaganda and how psychological manipulation is commonly used to weaponize the 3D narrative to control the perception of others through deceptive, abusive and underhanded tactics, in order to advance the primary control agenda and the selfish interests of manipulators and sociopaths.
To understand the many interconnected
motives behind the war over consciousness, the war over free energy, as
well as the major conflicts occurring in the factions that are resisting
the full disclosure event, we must first recognize the critical
importance of the current 3D narrative that enforces false beliefs and
perceptions about reality. The false narrative has been staged through
intentional psychological warfare methods directed towards humanity
through scientifically engineered Propaganda directed
through military based strategies of technological mind control that
produce consensus reality bubbles used to self-enforce the mass
Once we can clearly see the engineering
of the false narrative used to manipulate our consent, then we begin to
see the larger power structure of control arranging itself into a
complex form of obfuscation. This is achieved through the exploitation
of what we don’t know, because we’ve been lied to, through
compartmentalization and layers of hierarchy. Most organizations reveal
themselves to be closely connected to the academia-science-intelligence
communities and the militarization-based industries that directly
support the war profiteers and the divide and conquer motivations of the
NAA. To protect and insulate these compartments, they are presented to
the public as many different industry storefronts, which are imbedded
into the inverted system, hidden throughout the controller mechanisms
working towards achieving full spectrum dominance.
These agendas are hidden in plain sight, thus psychological manipulation, Propaganda and
burying those that inquire in a maze of bureaucracy and ridicule,
become necessary for its survival. The spreading of disinformation
combined with the overwhelm and wear down tactics are used to ensure the
continued existence of the Controller agenda at whatever cost, and
generally to keep doling out the massive profits or payoffs that are
handed over to a select few.
Throughout this discussion, it is
important to consider that these are the strategic psychological
manipulation methods employed by both human and nonhuman interests,
those that seek to gain advantage over others through exerting
dominating control in the physical reality. Those at the top of the
power and control game will do anything, say anything and lie about
anything, in order to maintain control or advance their position. This is how it is.
It is important to know that this is also the predictable profile of
Satanic forces, an ideology that has infiltrated and infected the
corporate workplace, as well as the Controller Pillars of Society.
Psychological Manipulation
Propaganda is used for
the purpose of psychological manipulation, to generate mental
fabrications and emotional reactions, that are intended for seizing
control, power, benefits and advantages at the victim’s expense.
Propaganda is essentially imbedded into many forms of public relations,
marketing campaigns, advertisements and social media that are designed
to seduce and persuade people by manipulating their unconscious mind,
instinctual desires and impulses. Currently, the same propaganda tactics
have advanced into the digital age, which serves as an even more
effective medium for mind control tactics by spreading disinformation on
a global scale. Distracting the masses with a whole new world of
digital propaganda utilizing spam bots, algorithms and artificial
intelligence. These can be intended for the weaponization of information
that is used more specifically for psychological manipulation and to
shape false narratives.