often, when people grow apart and one is more spiritual than the other,
it was destined that way from the beginning. You chose a person who
wasn't going to have a high volume of spirituality while you were trying
to grow yours.
you saw them not growing as you were growing, those are a set of
choices that you made in the past that now directly affect your present,
because that person still isn't growing, and when they're not growing,
they’re not healing. This does affect the other individual's path and
journey. This is why I say it's our individual journey, and this is
where so many people screw up, on the most fundamentals. They become
couples and they think their spiritual journey is shared
and bonded. It is only shared and bonded when they’re sharing a bed and
sharing a dream space and there can be a common set of ethics that can
be created to make sure that that is separate so when you're on your
spiritual journey the love is still there as the basis and foundation
for creation, but the journey into the spiritual self is an untangled,
individual process. And when the other is ready to raise their
frequency you will be able to assist them through what you've learned,
but don't take them on as projects.
this is the other thing where we see people taking on unhealed people
as a project. Almost always, in any relationship, if it's a few years
old, and I discover this, they took them on as a project and settled for
something that they didn't really want.
the relationship is loved based and
they are truly exchanging love portals between their heart chakra
centers, when you are going on your individual journey, you are allowing
their love to be a background part of your footstep to footstep process
into the ever moment of now, because it’s your support, their love.
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