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Dear Ascending Family,
Plasmas are the most common form of matter, encompassing more than 99% of the space in the visible universe. Plasma
permeates the entire solar system, as well as the interstellar and
intergalactic environments. Yet very few people are aware of Plasma
or what it is. When we are observing the Milky Way, the constellations
or a bright star in the night sky, we are seeing luminous spheres of
plasma that are held together by their own internal magnetic field. The
nearest visible luminous sphere of plasma to the earth, is the Sun.
Plasmas are electromagnetic systems made
from groupings of particles, which exhibit an overall zero net charge
in its collective result. Plasma can also be described
as an ionized gas existing within an electrically neutral medium, or in
groups of unbound positive and negative particles. Plasmas are
extremely conductive, and they carry electrical currents and generate
magnetic fields. Plasma, the fourth state of matter, is
a type of gaseous substance that consists of ions and free electrons.
However, gases and plasmas are distinct states of matter. Plasmas
display vastly different properties and complexities, which far exceed
those found in gases or other states of matter. A distinguishing
quality of Plasma is that it has collective behavior, which changes its impact in a field, based upon the whole. Plasma
is difficult to study because it is extremely hot and does not have a
definite shape or a definite volume unless it is enclosed in a
A Plasma can be created by heating gas or subjecting matter to a strong force or electromagnetic signal. Heating Plasma decreases or increases the number of electrons, which create positive or negatively charged particles called ions. When the Plasma
is cooled, the positive ions and electrons combine to form atoms, which
produces an ordinary gas. Plasmas are extremely hot and as they cool,
they will lose their charge and transform their state.
The human body is made up of atoms and ions. Thus, the human body is capable of a biological ionization process that generates Plasma when
exposed to certain forces. During the Ascension cycle, the human body
potentially undergoes the alchemical process that generates the internal
Plasma light. This is what builds the etheric
Lightbody structure for the higher consciousness bodies to function. To
generate internal Plasma light and build our Lightbody,
we need an abundance of energy. To receive an abundance of energy, we
must devote our personal energy and direct our consciousness, to
powering up our spiritual development. We conserve our energy in the
material world, so that we can direct more energy towards expanding our
consciousness. This is how we learn to build and exchange energy with
the God Source fields. As we meditate and patiently build our internal
energy so that we can achieve inner balance, we stop energy leaks and
wasting energy. We increase our direct connection to the God Source
which helps us to direct personal energy to spark the plasmic light. The
silicate matrix DNA template is the original human crystalline
blueprint that is activated in the human body, when contact or
connection is made with plasmic light.
In plasma physics, Plasma
is not generally considered to be a solid. However, particles when
mixed with plasma, can create solid states of plasmic infused matter.
This is what is happening through the expansion of consciousness, within
the ascending human bodies on the earth. Plasmas may be propagated into
solid matter through applied electromagnetic forces of heat and energy
that are created by the human body’s natural bio-spiritual function. The
human body is a natural resonator that interacts and responds to
harmonic oscillations or vibrating systems of energy in the environment.
Essentially what this means is that the human body, when in its natural
state, is able to stay in balance and harmonize the field. If displaced
from its equilibrium position, from exposure to discordant or
disruptive energetic forces, the body will naturally apply restoring
forces that return it back into energetic balance. If the body is given
access to an abundant supply of life force energy, it will begin to
automatically heal itself. This means we must do all we can to return to
our most authentic and natural state of being, through holding
meditative states of inner stillness every day. We still our mind by
reprogramming our thoughts away from the negative ego and mind control
that we have been exposed to. When we hold present moment awareness,
with no thoughts, we are the most authentic in our true nature. While we
prolong our natural state of being in the now moment, we experience
forces of restoration that return our consciousness and body back into
balance. When this energetic balance occurs, the color wave spectrum and
frequency state of that matter, our physical body, is shifted into
crystalline patterns and more complex colors of arrangement.
Plasma when exposed to magnetic fields,
form filament structures that form bonds that interconnect with all
other states of matter. So as an ascending human develops the ability to
embody plasmic light, these filaments are directly experienced as
interconnected lines of light that connect to everything and everyone.
This includes the state of consciousness, which can truly experience
Oneness or Unity.
This is how we get solid plasma, it is
made possible through the amazing alchemical process of the ascending
human body. By directing our consciousness to connect our body, connect
our particles to plasma light, electrons collect on the particles and
start to create a plasmic crystalline structure that builds filaments,
which connect and communicate with all things.
We understand that Plasma is the most
common substance in our Universe, as it permeates through absolutely
everything in creation. We learned that plasma creates filament like
strings that interconnect and communicate with all other things and that
this is relative to attaining the consciousness state of Unity. Thus,
plasma is the interface that communicates with the intelligent energy of
all Creation. Our personal inner spark of plasma is our direct
interface to link with the massive plasma core of the Universe, or that,
which connects us to the Cosmic Mind of God Source.
The Universal Core is a massive amount
of plasma rotating outwardly, from which many smaller plasma sparks of
light, or consciousness units, have been spirally projected and
externally thrust from the inner core of creation. We are the Suns,
Stars and sparks of that Universal Plasma Soul-Spirit that have
projected themselves into the lowest particle dimensions, travelling
away from our direct connection to the Universal Core or God source. The
further we travel away from the Universal Core, the less direct
connection we have, the less plasma energy we have available to recharge
our personal plasmic spiritual bodies and consciousness.
Our soul and spiritual bodies (aura) are
energized, strengthened and built by the same core substance from which
the Universe has been created, plasma. The Soul-Spirit is the plasma
power supply inside of our physical body, which functions similarly to a
biological computer. As we gradually embody our Soul-Spirit, the higher
consciousness patterns and spiritual blueprints are imprinted inside
our cells (passing through the plasma membrane). These higher
consciousness imprints energetically shift our awareness and transform
who we think we are. This new consciousness content is recorded into our
physical being, which drops the previous state of energetic density and
identity, while restoring what is lost by generating new quantities of
biological plasma light.
The power supply lines inside of our
bodies have a direct interface, which acts as an antennae, that allows
us to plug into the Universal core supply of plasma, in order to
recharge our personal energy and expand consciousness. When we are able
to connect to the Universal power supply of plasma, we are able to
increase our energetic sustainability by increasing our inner power
supply. When we recharge our inner power supply, we can send, receive
and exchange intelligent energy with the Universal core of plasma, and
with all other sparks of plasma around us. If we do not know how to use
our body’s interface, and we do not recharge ourselves, effectively, we
have an extremely low energy or dead power supply. When we do not have
enough power supply, or we waste our energy, we cannot function well at
any level; physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Without
enough power supply, we cannot interface or communicate with any of the
other sparks of plasma, including our own inner spark. If we think we
are only the content of our noisy thoughts and mental belief systems, or
we believe we are only physical entities, we lose our ability to
connect directly to the sustaining power supply of the Universal God
source. Generally, while in this depleted state we will feel very
unhappy, even miserable, and our mind will search for external things to
distract us from that empty or sad feeling inside. For many people,
this disconnection is how severe addictions to external things are
Therefore, we have to learn how to build
up our personal power supply, and learn how to conserve our energy in
order to activate our biological interface to connect with more plasma.
We can multiply the plasma energy supply that will be returned back to
us from the Universal core, when we open up our direct interface to
connect. During this time, we are given a new power supply of plasma
that is being generated from the Aqualine Sun onto the earth surface and
crust. We can attune to the power supply of plasma light, by focusing
our consciousness and attention towards that source of plasma or
focusing on building our Lightbody. We want to build up the central
vertical channel, to directly interface with and lengthen our antennae,
to connect directly with the Universal or God power supply. Clearing
the mind in daily meditation, and directing our energy towards some kind
of spiritual practice becomes a supportive part of our lifestyle. The
12D shield is one such spiritual practice to begin to learn how to
connect with the plasma light source.
The ability to connect with plasma,
along with the capacity we have to strengthen our plasma light body, is
deeply influenced by our lifestyle and personal choices. As we gain
consciousness and clarity, we acquire deeper realization of the
consequences that are created from our lifestyle choices, and their
level of importance and impact upon our personal evolution. As we align
to the natural flow of our true being, we will feel the need to
increase the quality of our food, sleep, thoughts, emotions,
environment, relationships and community connections. The highest
expression of the human plasma body is the Avatar Christ Consciousness,
and it is not governed by the past, present or future, nor any
ancestral, genetic or karmic overlays. The personal plasma light body
pulsates with the in and out breath of the Universal Plasma body,
existing in a perpetual state of connection with the sustaining power
supply, newly beginning and newly becoming the spiraling experience of
Plasma Beings
There are many different sentient forms
or advanced consciousness life forms that exist in states that are
vastly unfamiliar to us on the earth. On earth, we tend to associate
intelligent life with some kind of physical body or form that we can
see. However, some of the most advanced levels of interdimensional Light
beings that have the highest states of multidimensional consciousness
in the Universe, exist in formless and bodiless states as Plasma Beings.
Plasma Beings are made up of the God Source power supply, and are
immensely loving and compassionate. They are capable of projecting their
consciousness throughout multiple dimensions simultaneously, while
creating any kind of body they may choose to inhabit. The body they
choose to inhabit is generally holding a governing principle and serving
a specific purpose in the Cosmic Order. They may travel vast
intergalactic distances in plasma orb bodies, and they are most commonly
seen in these temporary bodies, which may appear as biological plasma
ships. Some Plasma Beings are massive Stars or can be comprised of
entire interstellar systems that make up a certain species. Many of the
Guardians that are hosting planet earth’s Ascension cycle, are massive
Plasma Beings or Suns. They know firsthand that connecting into the
Universal plasma source and embodying plasma light is the key to
spiritual freedom and ascending into higher consciousness states. Thus,
many Plasma Beings have returned to the earth or are revealing
themselves to us now. They are here to help humanity learn about the
Ascension and the importance of plasma to build our lightbody. Plasma
light ignites our crystal heart and helps us to attain higher
consciousness states when we commune with the Universal forces of
Unconditional Love and Peace.
Dismantling AI Machinery
During the Equinox to Easter week,
Guardian gridwork projects successfully opened channels for
interdimensional communication links to be anchored between the 1st
dimensional earth core and the 4th dimensional intersections in the
planetary networks. As the planet evolves towards the incredibly fast
and high energy electrons interacting between the plasmasphere of the
Van Allen Radiation Belt, these damaged areas on the grid infiltrated
with AI, must be cleared out to allow for the earth to move through
these barriers created by the radiation belt. About 600 miles from
Earth’s surface is the first of two donut-shaped electron clouds, known
as the Van Allen Belts, or the radiation belts.
The Van Allen belts are a collection of
charged particles, gathered in place by Earth’s magnetic field, that act
as an energetic barrier that prevent too much high frequency and
ultra-fast electrons from being exposed to the earth field. There are
two main radiation belts around the Earth; the inner belt is dominated
by protons and the outer belt is dominated by electrons. Too much plasma
or high frequency light transmitted to the planet, especially into its
damaged areas, such as areas with artificial intelligence infiltration,
could create massive polarity amplification of chaotic forces and
destruction on the surface. Eventually however, the planet will move
into the high frequency levels of the radiation belts and will begin the
cycle to evolve beyond these barriers, around the end of 2017. Purging
the planet of the remaining black magic grids running AI signal, is an
ongoing project to protect damaged areas on the earth surface from
getting worse when exposed to plasma light sources. Moving into the
radiation belts will open a tremendous influx of intergalactic plasma
waves and ultra-high energy electrons to penetrate the earth field, thus
saturating the earth plane with energies that have never been here
Thus, evictions and transits of those
entities or dark forces trapped in the damaged grid areas in astral,
phantom or dead energy spaces is required. The main areas of clearing
out alien machinery, black magic gridwork, transiting entities and
clearing out sections of the collective astral pain body were recently
located in the crystal caverns of Central Mexico, as well as Giza,
Oceania, Temple Mount, and the Syrian and Israeli border (33rd Parallel
into Mount Hermon). Essentially, the Guardian Light Warriors have
undergone an exhausting spiritual battle for defending the 4th Stargate,
Sphinx, to retrieve access into underground networks that lead into the
middle earth and inner earth domains. Starseeds have been working hard
in every domain to clear out black magic grids so that these
interdimensional links could finally be anchored in the astral plane
Centaurian Wars
During this process of clearing up the
Giza areas, it surfaced the timelines and histories involving the
Centaurian Wars. Centaurians are Annunaki hybrids from Alpha Centauri
and Omega Centauri that are under the enslavement of Draconian and
Necromiton armies of the NAA. They are used to infiltrate the Astral
Plane reporting back to their supervisors, and to battle for control
over the Planetary Gates in the Middle East, such as the location of the
Giza Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt. The Necromiton are the entities that
project themselves as Men in Black, to clean up and sanitize UFO or
related extraterrestrial evidence that reveals their agenda on planet.
They cannot exist on surface for long periods of time, so they have
built bases underground with the cooperation of human military.
Evictions of these armies in areas accessing Giza have taken place and
it was an ugly battle. It is these particular alien groups that work
with the covert black military to strategize the war and killing
programs in the Middle East. This is visibly apparent through that which
is reported in the media as the terrorism perpetrated by the Islamic
However, as a result of new access and
hope for reclaiming Giza, Starseed gridworkers have been receiving new
plasma generated code that is now accessible from the earth plane. This
intergalactic channel opening allows for the running of the Krystal
coded algorithms into the earth core which supports new resonating tone
frequencies to broadcast out of the earth and into the crust.
Specifically, these frequencies are called interdimensional frequency
resonators and are able to interconnect links with cosmic level ray
This Guardian project is also designed
to override Metatronic code, dismantle artificial intelligence software
and their machinery from using ELF broadcasts of mind control and heavy
metals being sent into the surface grids. Alien machinery rely on the
consistent production of heavy metals in the atmosphere for greater
conductivity for their ELF broadcasts. Certain areas of the earth grid
have been especially damaged and are problematic due to ancient astral
plane distortions and the many histories of 4th dimensional Stargate
infiltration stemming from the Middle East wars. A tremendous amount of
energetic processing, transmuting and transiting of a variety of astral
entities, anubian black hearts and related miasmatic debris from the
astral layers related to war and holocaust histories, has taken place.
For some of us, this time may have felt extremely exhausting and
dreadful, as holocaust timelines are especially painful to neutralize
and clear from the earth. Holocaust timelines are held in place by
planetary crucifixion alien machinery, and thus, purging or dismantling
these networks in major cities and power vortices is ongoing.
However, this clearing and grid healing
in the astral plane allows for new infusions of Solar Plasma from the
earth core to be transmitted and absorbed into our cells. The earth
core, at the first dimensional level, has been merged with the core of
parallel earths in future timelines, thus, weaving together with the
Galactic Suns. The opening of inner gates into the parallel allows for
new integrations of Cosmic to Galactic Plasmic Sun Source, that is
becoming more accessible in the earth crust, and this is called the
Aqualine Sun.
Aqualine Sun
The planetary body is nested within
multiple blueprint structures that are contained within the five spheres
of creation; Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal and Cosmic. The
Guardians of Krystal Star consciousness have been streaming plasma waves
into all layers of the earth’s blueprint in order to raise her
frequencies, and to fully anchor the plasma infusions coming from the
Galactic waves of Solar Light. Guardian forces have been acquiring solar
plasma light from the Suns of Sirius B, then transmitting it into the
first levels of Aqualine Healing Energy into the earth. This is purposed
so that we may begin to receive and transmit plasma light directly from
the earth plane and on the surface crust. Prior to this being made
available, Starseed gridworkers would go off planet to gather and infuse
these Galactic frequencies into the earth body, so that the human body
could eventually connect with that same frequency. This has been
successful, and now it is possible to connect with Galactic Sun
frequencies right from the earth plane. Plasma infusions have been made
into the earth core, which include the process of weaving Solar light
from the Galactic Suns down into the Earth core sun frequencies,
allowing the fusion between these multiple solar bodies to occur. This
has activated the Mother Earth’s Inner Sun frequencies, which appear now
as deep ultraviolet and bluish waves of oscillating plasma light. The
blue flame merge is from the 5D core in parallel earth, and the violet
flame is from 7D core in parallel earth, and together they unite the
Ultra Violet Blue light with their Galactic Sun counterparts. The
Galactic Sun frequency has been transmitting from above and is now
anchoring into the earth core, gradually merging together and braiding
completely with the Earth Sun. The plasma light that is being generated
is from the merge that occurred with the Galactic Suns, which is
transmitting from above, while the Earth Sun is transmitting from deep
below. This complete connected circuit of the Galactic plasmic light
transmissions that is coming from the earth plane is called the Aqualine
Sun frequencies.
Thus, the Mother Earth has woven her
Sun’s frequencies, from deep inside the earth core while moving up and
through the Galactic layers, uniting with the Galactic Suns. Indigos,
Starseeds and the Oraphim are the first waves of conduit for
transmitting the ascending Aqualine Sun frequencies into the earth. We
are the natural conduit for growing these frequencies on the earth
surface, as we help to anchor these plasma infusions on the surface
grid, this also serves to repair damaged networks or descending hubs.
The Aqualine Sun frequencies directly
stream the Krystal consciousness coding into the surface. We are able to
absorb these frequencies to collect and reassemble all of our spiritual
bodies and parts, our complete Diamond Sun body and crystal heart. As
we commune with the Aqualine Sun frequencies, these blue plasma energies
will gradually remove all that is artificial or false, restoring our
body and consciousness to reflect its true essence and divine nature.
When the body has absorbed enough light frequency to prepare for plasma
transmissions, the body is able to connect with and absorb the Aqualine
Sun plasma frequencies. This is a spiritual body integration process
which activates the crystal cells, both in the mitochondria and within
the permanent seed atom.
During the process of divine light
shielding, we can direct our merkaba star with our consciousness to
absorb and fill (from underneath our feet), with Aqualine Sun violet
blue plasma frequencies, and direct them into our navel center (recoding
the lower umbilicus), and merge into our higher heart center to
activate the thymus role in higher monadic functioning. At the top of
our RA shield, we can now merge with the Galactic Suns and beyond plasma
frequencies, KA RA YA SA TA AA LA and bring them down to circulate
anywhere into our physical being. As we begin to integrate and unite
with the Galactic Suns, we may bring the consciousness memories and
instruction set of our eternal Diamond Sun body back into our crystal
heart, which ignites our true nature to return us back into the
consciousness of Oneness. As more of our Diamond Sun body frequencies
are aligned with the physical body, more and more of our consciousness
memories will be restored.
It is through the Mother's Perfect
Proton Seed (or Cosmic Egg) transmitted through the Aqualine Sun
frequencies that creation can heal itself to its original divine
blueprint. Through our Beloved Mother Arc, we are able to access the
Galactic Sun frequencies to create the Aqualine Sun, which is also
connected to the plasma light from the Aquarian races in the Andromeda
Core. These plasma frequencies are that which deeply heal us.
The Ascension Cycle is about reclaiming the Christ and the Mother
principle for the planet by building the architecture for Mother Arc
Hubs, connecting to the Aurora and Aqualine Sun and building Triad
Communication Stations to connect to Krystal Star architecture.
Unresolved Conflicts are Spiritual Barriers
The influx of a variety of plasma wave
infusions entering the planet are surfacing many types of collective
race miasmas buried in the human pain body. Primarily, this is surfacing
in the form of sexual misery patterns, sexual distortions, gender
issues, abusive issues and relationship problems. All unresolved emotional conflicts are barriers to our spiritual growth and expanding consciousness. Thus,
these emotional conflicts in our pain body must be willingly dealt with
in our relationships, in order to take personal responsibility for our
behaviors, attitudes or beliefs. Taking responsibility for our personal
issues is the first stage of emotional growth, which leads to spiritual
growth. If we continue to blame others for our problems or unhappiness,
then we are unable to resolve our emotional conflicts and that blocks
our spiritual evolution.
Therefore, there is a bifurcation split
occurring between those people in relationships that are open and
willing to resolve emotional conflicts, in order to continue to evolve,
and those people who refuse to acknowledge their personal responsibility
in creating emotional conflicts and are blocking their spiritual
evolution. This manifests as a massive confusion and explosive pressure
on any relationship that has hidden emotional issues, unhealthy or
abusive patterns, or unconscious reactions that create tensions in the
relationship. We must learn how to be present and self-aware in all
interactions, in all of our relationships, especially in our intimate
ones, so that we can remove spiritual blockages and continue our
emotional growth.
Most dysfunctional emotional patterns
are formed early in childhood which manifest into adulthood as the
unhealed trauma and wounds that we carry around from the False Parent
imprints. The False Parent represents the confusion a child develops by
believing that our biological Mother or Father Parent should have
certain behaviors towards us, such as being unconditionally loving,
protective, and emotionally nurturing. In actuality, it may be that none
of these biological or emotional needs were met by the Parental role.
Possibly the Parental role was grossly distorted or abusive in some way.
Through narcissistic wounding or other forms of abuse suffered in
childhood, these same abuse patterns are repeated in our most intimate
relationships through adulthood, in marriages or in living together.
Many times we cannot see these dysfunctional patterns playing out from
the family of origin, until our relationship is ready to explode.
Depending on the level of parental
dysfunction experienced by the child, concepts of love, sex and
emotional needs may be confused with abusive behaviors, where personal
boundaries are nonexistent. Relationships that are ingrained to be
abusive, painful or narcissistic in childhood are wounds that continue
to be carried throughout life, until the emotional conflict is
corrected. Without correction of this dysfunction, the digression of the
abuse pattern continues to define loving and relating behaviors, and
this infects all interpersonal relationships. As long as the
dysfunctional pattern continues, the person will feel disconnected,
love-less, engaging with sexual misery behaviors, and is unable to
communicate emotional needs and enforce personal boundaries of loving
behaviors in their relationships. This propagates many unsuccessful and
unhappy marriages, and the partners will seek coping mechanisms in the
external or the relationship will explode apart entirely.
Humanity’s greatest task during
the Ascension Cycle is to heal their personal emotional trauma around
sexual pain, and gender wounding that is related to the False Parent
Healing the False Parent
When this is addressed with
compassionate witnessing, this can give us a lot of previously hidden
information about ourselves. This will also give us details into the
deeper motivations or hidden agendas of our relationships, and this may
be quite surprising to even shocking. This will be a time to observe our
mind and body for any automatic reactions, emotional trigger points, or
hidden belief systems. The collective fields of the planet are very
energetically intense and are unstable at this time. This is a phase
where we must learn to love ourselves unconditionally and to be only
with those people that are capable of reflecting back to us that same
loving care. We must learn to unconditionally love, respect and accept
all aspects of ourselves.
There are groups of people that are
having heart openings and are choosing to have more loving kindness and
peace in their lifestyle. There are groups of people that are closing
down their heart from unresolved emotional pain and suffering, and they
are unconsciously creating more chaos, negativity and stress in their
lifestyle. When these different choice levels surface in intimate
relationships such as marriages or partnerships, the conflict can be
extremely explosive, emotional and painful. Before the awakening
process, many people choose partners or spouses that carry karmic
patterns of pain associated or familiar to them from childhood, based on
the False Parent. If we have a False Parent relationship during this
time of the collective pain body surfacing on the planet, we will be
under intense pressure to resolve this emotional conflict and make
different choices in our future direction. We must find the emotional
blockage that acts as a barrier to further our spiritual growth, or the
relationship will end. As difficult as it may be in the short term,
ending unhealthy relationships is much better for our growth and
happiness in the longer term.
People that are run by their unconscious
mind or pain body, may have little to no control over their reactions
and impulses at this time. They will have no comprehension of the False
Parent or sexual misery overlays running in the environment and in other
people. As a result, they will unconsciously play out these impulsive
behaviors of the False Parent in their relationships, and these
dysfunctional patterns will magnify and get worse. All things that are
hidden must be seen and observed in order to be healed and energetically
shifted in our relationships. Most people are not good communicators or
able to communicate feelings very well. This is especially true when it
comes to all matters concerning intimate relationships and sexuality.
This presents an opportunity to develop
better relationship skills with Compassionate Communication and the
Relationship Mastery Guidelines. Non Violent Communication (NVC) is a
very productive method to learn how to apply nonviolent communication or
Compassionate Communication towards every aspect of our interpersonal
relationships. As we commit to unconditional loving kindness and
accepting ourselves, then we must learn how we can communicate exactly
in emotional alignment with how we really feel. The result of our
emotional clarity develops personal spiritual growth and this is what
develops energetic coherence and integrity within our being. (See
Relationship Mastery Guidelines and Compassionate Communication in the
Ascension Glossary).
At this time, we have an opportunity to
come into the greater realization that our true Parent is our God
Parent, and our God Parent is calling us home during the Ascension
Cycle. As we find the spark of God deep inside our crystal heart, we
will understand how we can be free of this abusive False Parent and all
of the emotional pain we have suffered from it. As we take
responsibility for ourselves as the real Parent, we completely and
unconditionally forgive our biological parents, as we learn to parent
our inner child. We are the Mother, the Father and the Child. To be a
loving parent, requires taking full responsibility to educate the child.
This is one way of understanding self-mastery. To be a firm but loving
parent means that the inner child cannot run amok with the physical
body, playing out all its whims and fancies. The child can hurt itself
if it is not given proper parenting and loving discipline to develop
emotionally and spiritually. When we are capable of loving and parenting
ourselves, our body becomes a beloved friend, a safe and secure space.
Our intimate relationships and marriages are transformed through loving
ourselves, and we are moved into healthier states of being, as we are
able to create more loving and peaceful relationships.
Female Sexual Fluids
Currently, it has become increasingly
important for females on the ascending path, to not have sexual
intercourse with any male partner that is in any shape or form, sexually
abusive. In the present turmoil that manifests karmic patterns within
intimate or sexual relationships, ascending females will be abruptly
shifted out of negative circumstances that are sexually abusive. The
intelligence of her spiritual light is protecting her Lightbody from any
further intrusion of superimposed negativity, as a result of negative
or abusive sexual relations. Sexual abuse is defined as a female
receiving negative astral energy accumulation into her Lightbody, from
having sex with her partner that jeopardizes or blocks her spiritual
advancement during this time. A female receiving negative accumulations
of astral energy during sexual intercourse, with a disconnected or
abusive partner, runs the risk of extremely amplified astral energy that
can lead to passing dark possessions from the male. It also can
transfer between emotionally or spiritually disconnected partners, many
accumulated years of energetic pain, suffering or misery, into the body.
In some cases, this is used to target ascending Starseed females to
drastically lower their personal frequency and harvest their light
source, by using their bodies as a dark repository.
It is extremely important for all
ascending females to protect their sexual organs and treat their bodies
with loving care and respect, as God’s Holy Temple.
With current plasma light activations,
the multidimensional anatomy of the female sexual organs and sexual
fluids are shifting to become prolific light generators. An ascending
female being initiated into higher frequencies of plasma light, will
begin to notice changes occurring in her sexual organs, cycle and
fluids. Her fluids are being activated into powerful alchemical mixtures
that react to combine during sexual intercourse to generate even more
light. When a female is able to unconditionally love herself, hold
personal power and respectful boundaries for her body, during orgasm,
the activated fluids open into the cells to receive more of her
Soul-Spirit into the body. Simultaneously, during this loving
conjunction, it attracts more of her partners Soul-Spirit into his body.
This is a power source that can be very
supportive for mutual spiritual growth and sharing loving and blissful
states with our beloved partner. Or if we are reckless with our body,
this power can be abused and used against us. On the ascending path, we
must make the choice to clean up the past painful sexual connections and
release the accumulative astral baggage. With the new plasma energies,
we are learning how human sexuality is evolving in order to become what
it was designed for, a very loving and spiritually beneficial
Please only take what is useful for your
spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage
and bravery to be a truth seeker.
I am God, Sovereign, Free!
Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!
With a Loving heart, Lisahttp://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2756-plasma
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