NOTE: ALL is an absolute thus polarity... game. not ALL neither nothing... is...

How All Are Under Psychotronic Remote Mind Control
Amerika, Big Brother, Black Goo, Conspiracy, Jesuit, mind control, Transhumanism January 26, 2016 Leave a commentJeff Rense interviews Dr. Patrick Flanagan. Topics discussed are The Lilly wave, mind control, social engineering, Smart Meters, microwave weapons, GWEN, electromagnetic wave pulses, cell phone radiation, and more.
In 1958, “Dr. Patrick
Flanagan invented the Neurophone – an electronic nervous system
excitation device that transmits sound through the skin directly to the
brain. Flanagan received a patent for the device in 1968 – US Patent 3,393,279.
“It is an object of the present invention to provide a means of initiating controllable responses of the neuro senses without applying pressure waves or stress waves to the ears or bones. Another object of this invention is to provide a means of causing a person to receive an aural perception of the sound corresponding to the audio modulation of radio frequency electromagnetic waves that are coupled with the nervous system of the person. These and other objects of this invention will be understood from the following drawings and description of the invention, wherein:”
The invention of the Neurophone earned him a profile in Life magazine, which called him a “unique, mature and inquisitive scientist”. Flanagan has continued to develop the neurophone and it is currently being sold as an aid to speed learning.
At age eleven, Flanagan developed and sold a guided missile detector to the U.S. Military, aged seventeen gained his air pilot’s license and was employed by a Think Tank at The Pentagon, and later as a consultant to the NSA, CIA, NASA, Tufts University, the Office of Naval Research, and the Aberdeen Proving Grounds for the Department of Unconventional Weapons and Warfare.” (More)
Read More at Dr. Flanagan’s PHISCIENCES website.
THE LILLY WAVE – Lilly’s Website on Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (Here) (Here)…/how-all-are-under-psychotronic-remot…/
via David Lloyd to The BASES Project #FB
See ^^^^ Lilly /below Lila = same....
“It is an object of the present invention to provide a means of initiating controllable responses of the neuro senses without applying pressure waves or stress waves to the ears or bones. Another object of this invention is to provide a means of causing a person to receive an aural perception of the sound corresponding to the audio modulation of radio frequency electromagnetic waves that are coupled with the nervous system of the person. These and other objects of this invention will be understood from the following drawings and description of the invention, wherein:”
The invention of the Neurophone earned him a profile in Life magazine, which called him a “unique, mature and inquisitive scientist”. Flanagan has continued to develop the neurophone and it is currently being sold as an aid to speed learning.
At age eleven, Flanagan developed and sold a guided missile detector to the U.S. Military, aged seventeen gained his air pilot’s license and was employed by a Think Tank at The Pentagon, and later as a consultant to the NSA, CIA, NASA, Tufts University, the Office of Naval Research, and the Aberdeen Proving Grounds for the Department of Unconventional Weapons and Warfare.” (More)
Read More at Dr. Flanagan’s PHISCIENCES website.
THE LILLY WAVE – Lilly’s Website on Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (Here) (Here)…/how-all-are-under-psychotronic-remot…/
via David Lloyd to The BASES Project #FB
See ^^^^ Lilly /below Lila = same....
EFFI-Project™ 1 - May 2012 DVD Workshop
The Cosmos IS Watching & Always Will Be:
The Dance of Lila, the Pillar of Peace & the Bridge Across Forever
May 25-28, 2012 - Sarasota, Florida
4 x DVDs No Handbook
Stand 3 - The Great Leap Shift Host Alignment
Anchoring the new Time wave BPR - 12, 12, 5, 3 – Mashayahana Fold-1.
May 2012 hailed a new step in Synocracy, focusing on how the Key element in
Synocracy is Transparency, which brings about Clarity, through which we can heal
to eventually embody Impeccability.
This workshop also introduced us to the AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils -
“Councils of 48”, also known as the “Law Keepers” - keepers of the “Krist Code”
Law. They are the highest level of the Mashayahana Councils that came “online”
August 8th 2011.
New information was given concerning the “Halls of Records”, CDT-Plates and the
AL-Hum-Bhra Crystal Disks, how they fit within the structures of the Cos-MA-yah,
and how they assist us to understand where the frequencies known as the AL-Hum-
Bhra are coming from. This workshop also marked the opening on earth of the
“Halls of Cosminyahas”, also known as the “Indelible Records”, meaning they
cannot be edited or altered. These records hold the entire Memory Matrix of the
events information of this Cos-Min-yahas Cluster.
What is the “Fail-Safe” (aka “Path of Mercy”) & why was it set in motion during the
Atlantian Period? Learn the new definitions of our “Hidden 8th Line” (aka “Stealth
Line”), the “K+8” Factor; “F” Factor & “Dark Flower” afflicted FataLE, and how
we will benefit from the protection field given by the AL-Hum-Bhra Host.
Explanation is also given on the “Dynamics of the Shields”, the “Aurora Shield” &
what Zero Tolerance really means.
Come dance the “Dance of Lila” aka “Dance of Life” and learn how to move into
the “Eye of Lila” & the “Pillar of Peace” to transcend the storm that surrounds us.
Other topics presented included Jesheua 12, the Biblical Period, Toral Rift, early
Atlantian Drama, Plasma Wars, Fallen Equari & future timeline 6520 AD –
“Center for the Advancement of Interdimensional Communications” on Median
Earth, which directly ties into our current “Fail -Safe” mission.
Activations & Techniques: • Activating the Staff & Rod of AL-Hum-Bhra • Opening
of the “Eye of LiLa” • Activating the “Wings of RhAyas • Raising the Sphere of
Cosminyahas & Activating the Mirror in the sky reflection. • Opening the Plasma
Stream to the Halls of Cosminyahas & the Eternal AL-Hum-Bhra Crystal Memory
Matrix • “Star-Light” Transmission-Initiation of the “Path of Impeccability” (The
Roaring Love- Light-Song of God Source of 1st Eternal) - and more!
Synocracy is Transparency, which brings about Clarity, through which we can heal
to eventually embody Impeccability.
This workshop also introduced us to the AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils -
“Councils of 48”, also known as the “Law Keepers” - keepers of the “Krist Code”
Law. They are the highest level of the Mashayahana Councils that came “online”
August 8th 2011.
New information was given concerning the “Halls of Records”, CDT-Plates and the
AL-Hum-Bhra Crystal Disks, how they fit within the structures of the Cos-MA-yah,
and how they assist us to understand where the frequencies known as the AL-Hum-
Bhra are coming from. This workshop also marked the opening on earth of the
“Halls of Cosminyahas”, also known as the “Indelible Records”, meaning they
cannot be edited or altered. These records hold the entire Memory Matrix of the
events information of this Cos-Min-yahas Cluster.
What is the “Fail-Safe” (aka “Path of Mercy”) & why was it set in motion during the
Atlantian Period? Learn the new definitions of our “Hidden 8th Line” (aka “Stealth
Line”), the “K+8” Factor; “F” Factor & “Dark Flower” afflicted FataLE, and how
we will benefit from the protection field given by the AL-Hum-Bhra Host.
Explanation is also given on the “Dynamics of the Shields”, the “Aurora Shield” &
what Zero Tolerance really means.
Come dance the “Dance of Lila” aka “Dance of Life” and learn how to move into
the “Eye of Lila” & the “Pillar of Peace” to transcend the storm that surrounds us.
Other topics presented included Jesheua 12, the Biblical Period, Toral Rift, early
Atlantian Drama, Plasma Wars, Fallen Equari & future timeline 6520 AD –
“Center for the Advancement of Interdimensional Communications” on Median
Earth, which directly ties into our current “Fail -Safe” mission.
Activations & Techniques: • Activating the Staff & Rod of AL-Hum-Bhra • Opening
of the “Eye of LiLa” • Activating the “Wings of RhAyas • Raising the Sphere of
Cosminyahas & Activating the Mirror in the sky reflection. • Opening the Plasma
Stream to the Halls of Cosminyahas & the Eternal AL-Hum-Bhra Crystal Memory
Matrix • “Star-Light” Transmission-Initiation of the “Path of Impeccability” (The
Roaring Love- Light-Song of God Source of 1st Eternal) - and more!
The EFFI-Project™ and related
technologies are offered for theoretical exploration only; not intended
to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any illness, ailment or affliction.
“American Ultra”: Another Attempt at Making MKULTRA Cool