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Image by FutureAgeSage |
Via ~ Adashi Sol / August 12
There is a lot of talk going on right now about the incoming wave from space to our planet referred to as “Wave X’, a massive wave of gamma light from the galactic core, reported by modern science that comes once every 3,600 years and is set to arrive at this time, a prediction that’s been out for over 70 years. So what is it exactly? Is it the wave of destruction? Is it coming to raise human consciousness to higher than that of simple conflict and service-to-self in a “survival of the fittest” mentality, and teach us something about loving one another? Just how “cosmic” is this cosmic wave anyway?STELLAR ACTIVATION CYCLE
Your planet is going through what I have referred to many times as a “Stellar Activation Cycle”. It is the 10 year process that it takes for a planet to physically ascend from one host position within any given 15 Level Time Matrix to another, and it isn’t a magical process. It is entirely sub-quantum Partici mathematical science as used by your creators. Not that anyone anywhere can “create” a Signature Spirit Essence of god-source, meaning your AWARENESS, but the physical body you typically think of as “you” can in fact be engineered and there is no such thing as any lifeforce in all of manifest creation that hasn’t been engineered through the true science of Partici, ParticA and Particum, which is the quantum structure of life below what your modern science refers to as DNA. Your Avatar is merely a composition of molecules that have been instructed to hold the form of a physical body so that your Signature Spirit Essence can inhabit it and control it where it is here in manifest form, pretty similar to you driving your car. If you don’t tell the car to go forward, then it doesn’t. Your body is no different other than it seems to be able to drive itself without someone climbing on your back and turning the ignition on. The driver is already inside of your Avatar through what is a known as a Soul-Integration Birthing Contract, which says that your body is only yours, and no one else is allowed to drive it unless you give someone your access to do so through your express free will. So what does all this have to do with a gamma ray from the galactic core? You first need to have a basic idea of what is happening here, who you are, what you are, and where you are headed before you can understand what this gamma ray is going to do for you as a species. You are here by choice from long ago and are a plasma being made up of plasma (“light”) particles known as photons and you are now being given the chance to ascend to a higher level.Your planet, ARyHayas Ascension Earth, has been set to return as host planet for Harmonic Universe 2 for a very long time, and it just so happens this is the very last planetary alignment that will send in the frequencies needed for him to harmonize with that higher frequency spectrum field. That means that at this time in history, it has been known for a VERY long time by the powers that be who gave you your corrupted history which seem to know what is likely going to happen during this time, since the powers do not want to see earth make this Harmonic Shift, because your planet is the host surface for the race of beings that they have been using as their own personal free energy sources for, for the past 246,000 years. Losing the planet means losing their eternal energy power plants. So in order to keep both your planet and your own lifeforce trapped here through one Stellar Activation Cycle to the next for eons, they placed what is called a Frequency Fence around the planet that holds down his vibration, as well as every living creature on the planet. This prevents such an event where mankind or the planet from benefitting from the higher vibrations that lead to a harmonious existence. There is obviously a LOT to this topic we aren’t going to cover here, but these are the basic truths about your situation.
The “gamma ray” headed to your distant section of the Milky Way system is not just “one ray”. It is actually a series of very powerful scalar waves of energy sent here deliberately to encode your plant’s physical and etheric structure to physically move out of your solar system and on to his next destination. A group known as the “Guardian Alliance” is behind the science and the mathematics of generating and sending these waves here at this precise time to coincide with planetary alignments in your solar system that will magnify their effects, just like a “step-up transformer” does here on your planet. All of these waves have been created by the mathematical codes of manifestation language known here as Cymatic Geometric Patterns. Though you don’t think of there being such a thing as a symbol that can actually do anything other than just sit there on the page and look pretty, they are factually the code whereby all things are allowed to change from nothing more than energy and awareness, into a holographic manifestation within a Time Matrix that allows what they see and experience seem “real”.In this case, your incoming scalar waves have been protected on their journey to your planet through a treaty that is relatively young, because that precise treaty had to be put in place only in the last remaining days of your long-cycle of evolution. The reason for this is simple, every time the Guardian Alliance tried to help your planet’s ascension process through readjusting the frequencies of its planetary energy grids, the invader races here on earth would go back and switch them back, among many other retaliatory acts to prevent the ascent. Meaning that the Guardians would have to change the math to the equation for his escape each time the master plan was interfered with. What finally transpired that kicked off the final chess moves of the game was when your invader races pulled an aggressive retaliatory move in September of 2007, and sent a spiral scalar wave into the sun’s core which was meant to partially damage the sun’s ability to send its invisible frequencies into your planet (which supports the lifeforce on earth), and in the process the wave struck an invisible shield that the Guardians had placed around the sun to protect it from exactly such a move, and the wave was then amplified by a factor of 10, striking the sun’s core and destroying it. At the very same time that this event unfolded, one of the invader races of your planet, you could consider the top of the ruling pyramid, learned of the plan that their partners here had devised to use the Nibiruean Battlestar to plate-shift earth once again, as they repeatedly do each Stellar Activation Cycle every 3,657 years, which always wipes out the human race once again to a few remaining survivors, and cleaning off the surface of earth the blight they consider your race (this event is called Tara Cleansing), however after the event, this time they also planned to eradicate the human-hybrid species here known as the Nephilim, so they could have the planet all to themselves and not have to share it with the creators of that species, known as the Anunnaki. I should clarify that each time the Battlestar had been used in conjunction with the Zeta/Draco Frequency Fence to “Tara Cleans” the planet, they would always lift the “elect” (the human-hybrid species of both the Nephilim as well as the Drakonian Leviathan’s species known as “Dracos”) off the planet in spacecrafts known as Arks (Sound familiar yet?) and keep them safe until earth’s waters receded and the planet was inhabitable again.
As you can imagine, this presented a big problem for the Anunnaki, who didn’t like the idea of their entire earth-atmosphere-breathing species to be eliminated, but since their Battlestar only had the power to plate-shift earth when used in conjunction with the Frequency Fence which was solely under the power of the Zeta/Draco Luciferian Alliance, it was at the mercy of the Leviathans throughout this Stellar Activation Cycle, because the Zeta/Draco Frequency Fence also had the power to simply wipe the human race off the map anytime they wanted to. Of course, this was not the preferred way to Tara Cleanse, since there would be billions of dead bodies rotting all over the world instead of being neatly swept out to sea, creating a huge mess, but it also meant leaving all their cretinous roads and structures all behind, blighting the topography. All of these too, are neatly taken care of with a plate-shift extinction that causes 10 mile high title waves to sweep it all out to sea. So the Anunnaki was literally left with no other move than to reenter the Emerald Covenant which is the Covenant that protects earth and its inhabitants through ascension, so their Nephilim could piggy-back with human kind out of this dimension, and away from harm of the Leviathans. It didn’t help that the sun was set to implode in just 200 years from its fatal wounds by the Leviathan spiral scalar wave. There was no other choice. So, in March of 2008, they did just that, and at the same time, placed the most powerful Battlestar in this solar system behind the other crafts who would be guaranteeing the safety of this planet, making certain there would be no plate shift and no extinction-level events happening anytime soon. It would do well to mention now that the Emerald Covenant now has 350 million other entire races of beings backing it to guarantee there can be no possible repeat of the last 2 extinctions that your species has endured here.
What came next was the final major chess move in the game, and the Guardian Alliance set into motion the Krystalriver Master Failsafe Ascension Host, a pathway where earth could safely move from this universe into his next home, and in the process avoid any more of the treacherous moves from the remaining invader races. And in March of 2015, the Master Failsafe plan was anchored in place, and the Guardian Alliance announced that there would be no possible way for any race or races to interfere with that path.
Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta’ SOLAR PULSES
That brings us up to the actual “gamma ray” events of your final days of your evolution here. Behind the science of this Krystalriver Master Failsafe Ascension (KRMFA ) are layers and layers of different geometric patterns that need to be transferred into your planet’s material and etheric bodies, which you can think of largely as a “steering wheel” that will turn your planet’s plasma body’s various rotational spins at different parts of his core, that will turn the planet in each precise move within the maze that are the “roadways” of the many inter-connected 15 Level Time Matrices that make up the cosmos. Of course there are layers and layers of other geometric patterns that must be sent in at the same time to raise his frequency, raise the frequency of the lifeforce of the planet (you), so that you will both have the chance to make it out of this prison dimension. These patterns are known as the Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta’ Solar Pulses which host the Krystalbridge Way path, bringing into harmony earth’s merkaba field and yours, so both your plasma body field and his will come into alignment with the deity planes of higher dimension.This may get a bit technical for some reading this, but clear and concise disclosure is necessary when you are trying to correct the misinformation coming to the masses from your scientist who are purely ruled by your invader races here. For earth to activate the plasma (“TrhU-ah”) body spectra and pick up the Krystalriver Failsafe Host, these precise geometric patterns containing extremely complex scalar-code encryptions, must be “delivered” through photonic scalar-wave energy, meaning that they will be coming invisible to your eyes, and placed in precise locations around your planet where the energy grids that are tuned to these “commands” are located. The wave patterns will then anchor and imprint to these grids which will in turn enable earth to rotate its fields into alignment with the deity planes, away from the “external” planes (material manifestation) which are now in “fall”, meaning that the external planes have been corrupted here to the point there is no way to heal or save and are returning to the god-source energy fields through black-hole return systems. This will allow his rotation out of alignment with the Density 1 distorted astral fields as well and into eternal alignment with the Density 4 (Harmonic universe 4) deity planes of the Eternal First-Field Intelligence (EFFI Fields) which are effectively the primal plasma fields of awareness itself (where your Signature Spirit Essence started out and is still situated). The incoming waves are rotating your TrhU-ah body by entering at the top of your spine, and entering your plasma field, helping to bring it into alignment with earth at the same time so your frequency can harmonize with the frequencies of Dimension 4 and higher.
The base-pulse rhythms of the lifefield (humans, animals, etc) must be in the same resonance with that of the planet in order for you to make a “time-wave upshift” that will allow you to hold the physical body while the planet moves into Harmonic Universe 2. If you learn about these waves, and how to harness them for accelerated activation of your higher TEMPLATE potential, you have the capacity to bring your body with you which will naturally be re-authored into your higher dimensional body, and in doing so, skip over your otherwise “final” death experience here in this plane. If your Signature Frequency is high enough at the time of the full ascension cycle, and you have not learned these ascension mechanics to harness this activation, it is not critical, because you will simply lose the body you have now and will be given a new Avatar in the higher plane. However, the Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta’ Solar Pulses do have the power to clear out distortions from your plasma bodies through the Krystalriver Failsafe passage, and will effect you whether you are awake and working on assembling your higher strands of DNA, but they will not be sufficient to fully make this transition without your active participation because your genetic template has been far too distorted through the course of your captivity and being interbred with the invader races who’s DNA templates are not nearly as high as that of your species.
Within the geometric codes of the incoming Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta’ Solar Pulses are the potential TEMPLATE for your species to exit the dulled senses of your modified and diminished DNA, and reenter your true abilities. This activation is called the Pan-Clair-ah Awakening, and a monumental moment in the history of your species.The Pan-Clair-ah Awakening is meant to institute the awakening of your CLAIR abilities, as in Clairvoyance, mental telepathy, etc. Along with CLAIR spectrums, the Pan-Clair-ah Neuroplasticity Genetics bring in genius spectrums and autistic spectrums, and even photographic memory spectrums (which will also include memories of your future lives and even pre-life), all of which are considered extreme abilities in this reality, but are simply an everyday part of higher dimensions.
There is a rhythm between the oscillations of the expanded frequencies of your plasma body and the condensed, counter-balancing frequencies that allow your body to manifest. These same condensed/expanded frequencies also exist between the deity planes and the external planes, meaning that they pulse much like your heart which is constantly sending out the true vibrational balance (harmony) of your own personal Signature Frequency. The incoming scalar energy waves are coming in through pulsation to harmonize with this needed balance, so they are timed in differing energy levels. There is hardly “one wave” coming in. There are millions of waves that your scientists look at as a whole, without knowing anything about the billions of geometric patterns behind their oscillation and pulsations and bring with them the Access-Code Sequence to activate your TrhU-ah Body of the frequencies which can allow you to catch the Krystal River Master Failsafe Ascension Path.
The current Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta’ Solar Pulses were also designed to open one of the seals of the Zeta/Draco Frequency at the same time they are installing the new geometry into the planetary grids of earth to support the safe passage of the planet, giving you the opportunity to move from your current reality field and into the 4th or even higher Dimension, depending on your Signature Frequency, and offering you the return of your higher senses. The Hethalon Magnetic Peak of these waves will be at their strongest point between 8/12 and 8/29 of 2015, exactly one month before the retaliation spoken of in prophecy to commence the “apocalypse” of the end days when the “6th Seal” is opened. The date of the commencement of this retaliatory act has been identified by many researchers to happen between 9/23 and 9/28 of 2015. Is this a coincidence?
The events unfolding this September have been long awaited by your final seeding. It will not be an easy time, but you can make it more survivable by learning now more of the hidden truths held from you over these eons of time. You can find that at ARhaYas Productions. For more of what to expect coming on September 23rd of this year, please see my recent post on my wall “September 23rd. 2015”.
The geometric pattern shown in photo 1 is merely one layer of thousands of layers within the very same framework of the scientific explanation to how life is created and supported in the 15 Level Time Matrix of Gaia, your current matrix. Such patterns hold power scalar wave energy fields which as mentioned, are layers of precise code in particular sequence which combined, hold the Signature Frequency for its intended manifestation through commanding the energy fields within every atom that surrounds the holographic area to hold its form as either one thing or another. There are many layers to even the sub-quantum particles to hold their shapes, all the way up to what you perceive as solid rocks or liquid water. Earlier patterns such as shown here were merely the same thing, different layers of the same pattern. This first photo was taken from the Quanta Ruay levels from a workshop held by Speaker-1, E’Asha Ashayana and part of the Freedom Teachings, 5 years ago, though the codes go much further back than this image in photo 1.Below I will post two photos of the geometric code of the Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta’ Solar Pulses taken through digital camera which reveals a wider visible spectrum than the naked eye. These photos were taken under the direction of the Guardians, by Speaker-1 of the Guardian Alliance, E’Asha Ashayana in March, 2015. There were two specific locations in Norway where the planetary energy grids are located. These city-sized subterranean crystal energy grids are known as “Temples” where incoming waves are intercepted, and tuned to precise locations of the energy structure of the planet. The first was in Oslo, Norway at Cathedral-6, Temple-1. You will see clearly that there is a solid and concisely geometric pattern emanating from the sun, as the waves from sun-8 of this Time Matrix are actually stationed behind and coming THROUGH the sun into earth’s atmosphere. There were about 2 dozen of these photos possessing this very same pattern. The lens of the camera was not dirty, and there has been no tampering of the raw photos. They went directly from the camera into a computer and then projected onto the video screen when they were revealed in the KDDL training courses at ARhAyas Productions five days later on March 20th, 2015. The same patterns have been submitted now by ARhAyas followers from around the world since then from many different cameras and many different people. Photo 2 is from the Oslo site.
Note that the pattern of 8 is encapsulating the exact same pattern of 8 located closely around the sun. This is a precise code that was part of the geometry of the layers of geometric patterns that make up all life within this holographic 15 Level Time Matrix. Where they were being directed was into the location at Temple-1, and holds the gelesic radiation signature of the location where the wave was being released at that precise time for the opening of the Krystalbridge Way with this particular code known as the “ARHA’ yah sun-8 Platform”, geometric mathematical scalar codes provided by the Guardian Alliance.
When the latest template dimensions and layout were given for the ARHA’ yah sun-8 Platform supporting this highly important installation segment of the Un-Es’-pa Ta-Rha’-Ta’ Solar Pulses on 3/20/15, it looked like photo 3.
When the incoming waves photograph is overlaid onto the ARHA’-yah sun-8 Platform code, it looks like photo 4.
There can be no mistake that what you are seeing here is the precise match between the sun-8 code pattern and the waves now coming in, right down to the oblong shapes of the corners of the waves fitting precisely inside the cadd drawing.
The second set of photos were taken a few days later at Cathedral-3, Temple-3 at Arhayas Peninsula, Norway. There were multiple photos taken at this location, all showing the same pattern, shown in photo 5.
The geometric code pattern given to Speaker-1 during the same KDDL course for another layer of the ARHA’ yah sun-8 looked like the fifth photo.
The corresponding geometric code pattern for the Arhayas Peninsula with the incoming sun-8 wave pattern from this location when overlaid looks like the sixth photo.
I post these photos to illustrate that the information being disseminated from the Guardian Alliance through ARhAyas Productions carries with it science so far beyond what is known on earth, and so vast, that it literally boggles human comprehension. Not only explaining the math and science of how to create something out of nothing but the air around you, but they are actually showing you with your own eyes that this is not some sort of come-on. Its real. And the dates and times of these prophesied events are known by the Guardians, because they are orchestrating the moves that will be taken in order to give you this chance to ascend.
September 23rd through the 28th promises to be that of possibly major change to the reality field of your planet. Where you might decide to be on that day, I have spoken about at length. The information you could be seeking now could well prove to be the most valuable to you in your memory. Though the Guardian Alliance has pledged to protect a portion of the Angelic Human Krystos species through this time of great unrest, it has not promised to protect the entire population, because not only is it being held at bay by the extinction-level power of the Zeta/Draco Frequency Fence, but there is simply no room for beings who choose to remain asleep and refuse to learn the principles of the Law of ONE, and how they are connected at their zero point core to all things around them, and treat them accordingly. Many if not most will not hear this message, and will remain asleep through the entire process of this final Stellar Activation Cycle. Which means that they simply will not be ascending, but will be staying within the same reality field they have been inside of for the past 550 million years, remaining on your planet’s sister “shadow” planet called Phantom Earth. Getting from here to the next plane will not come easy and it won’t come at all for many. If you choose to exit this reality, you can and now is the time. I have given you the location where you can get further training like what has been shown here, but in vastly larger quantities with vastly deeper explanation. Regardless of what transpires over these next coming days, it is important to focus on the fact that you are an eternal being that simply cannot and will not ever “die”, though your human body may experience it yet again here, if it does, this is the final one. So through this time, do not maintain a position of hate or fear, but send out the emotion of unconditional love to all around you, regardless of their current agenda. The invader races are merely children still learning how to treat others, that is all. If you love them anyway, you are helping them see that life doesn’t have to be about conflict and hate.
All love.
All content provided here including photos and illustrations are copyright wholly-owned by ARhaYas Productions, LLC.
-----" I would suggest that anyone interested in my information cut and paste every article I have placed here that is of value to you and do so soon. " -Adashi Sol
knock ,knock (Gerald)
Gridworker Adviso Suggestive (Gerald)
a Perfect Storm of frequency (Gerald)
Micro cosmos to the macro cosmos the dimensions are like russian dolls the sacred geometry like the flower of life is the energetic geometric blue print holographicly projected bigger and smaller up and down dimensions on different frequencys and vibrations like music notes up and down the keys of the multiverse like puzzle pieces coming together making up the masterpiece of all masterpeices like a lonely star connecting into a constellation and that constellation connecting to the other constellations making up your Dna its been right in front of you 12 Dna strands 12 zodiac signs 12 constellations 12 months in a year 12 o Clock they have shut us down to 2 out of 12 DNA strands so we can only see and exist in a lower vibration so we can only see and percieve are reality at a certain bandwith why the same beings that shut you down to 2 strands by tangling your dna like putting a knot in a water hose are on higher bandwith moving through invisible light and are the same ones who created war banking new world order religions to seperate us and break us down because they know united as one we are more powerful then them we are all one no matter what race religion country are beliefs we have everyone can bring a piece to the puzzle we are all like cells in gods body working together as 1 living organism as god said we are made in his image im in you you are in me we are in him we are all universaly multidimensionaly energetically intertwined inside and out
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via Gerald Miller
Sep 22 12:10 PM
To whom it might resonantly concern,
i find that Noels' post has stimulated these reverberations-->>
To be most effective.. often consciously set your roots in earth and sky.
To say it less esoterically, be the conducting 'wire' between the core and Source--or as you feel spontaneously directed to reach intermediary loci of higher frequency at the time; perhaps between earth and Andromeda Galaxy,,or Founder Fields...or supportive Tac-key-ons..whatever you currently conceive your mission to entail .
Then ...be the breath of frequency exchange.........I{inbreath}.....AM{outbreath}......perhaps you will be Source breathing in the earth...or earth breathing in Source.
Intense times...yes...The more the average frequency rises within the planetary field ..the greater the contrast between the extremes of established Control paradigms and the mandates of Krystos Realignment,,the greater the tension.
Non-conducting ,seemingly ' immovable objects', when subjected to an irresistible Force DO get eroded and DO get 'moved'. But there is Stress.
Being 'plugged into' the planet...a living constituent of it ...you may 'feel' something of this tension..
p2 in next comment
Being what you are--Starseed or angelic on a Mission---you are potentially the carrier of Remedy for a wide range of of dys-ease; a healing force in the hands of Source as you cultivate pliability . Perhaps you are particularly attuned, at any given moment, to particular aspects--or other constituents-- of the planetary body/field that 'inspire/beckon' a frequency infusion intervention?
BE the CHANGE you want to see in the WORLD.
In some manner BE (conducting) the force of WellBEing..Let it be your sword and shield and soothing balm.
On another note, Perhaps you have encountered a pair of current and confounding proposals in the 'spiritual media'?
#1 Contrary to some recent assessments being promoted,,,the planet is not 5d! To say so--or interpret so-- is not an accurate statement of the weighted average frequency balance that is being carried..is not anaccurate statement of the vibrational quality of the 'material' components. IS not an accurate statement of station- of- identity consolidation...of grounded planetary Hova body merge.
But, then again....there are distortions and damages to remedy throughout the layers of the Identity spectrum. And the emphasis on the levels where these are being addressed shifts...The blueprints for each level must be restored, resistances moderated and the supporting architectures built. . . before Atomic/molecular particle conversion becomes constructively enabled.
#2 There is also misleading talk that we are currently experiencing{or poised for an imminent } "reset" . This is simple to state but prone to be misunderstood because the involved concepts are difficult. To shed light on this matter you might like to consider that--[assuming such reports are not primarily new age propaganda]--Genuine resets are relative {not to mention individual perceptual sensitivity of them varies}; and Fractal[you may want to research the concept of fractals].. And larger shifts are composed of smaller imbedded ones in infinite array. This can be somewhat understood by employing the conceptual conundrum of digital shifts along a fractal pattern {krystal spirals} that are analog(continuous)- mediated.
Ie. it really isnt' possible to transit from one stairstep/reset to another without passing thru the intervening "terrain".
Whenone is sensitive to such digital shiftings...this could be experienced as a abrupt change in the freshness/cleanness/clarity of your '"local'" environment and is most easily accessed in Nature--away from higher population centers.
For roughly a month We have been subject to a relatively large amount of stress pressure ...and as we transit this phase [over the next couple of weeks ] it is likely that many starseeds, and others of like sensitivities, will note a transitory kind of "coming out from under the cloud" effect.
It is however, my expectation, that this effect will be short-lived and generally followed by 10-12 weeks of opportunities for intense engagement in Mission-related activity as we
Ride the waves of increasing WellBeing,
above was RE: Coping by noelptobin
ReplyDelete, Sep 20 6:23 PM