Restoring Energetic Balance
Dear Ascending Family,
Over the last six months
our planet has been integrating the flow of divine fire-water, a
Universal Liquid light plasma, transmitted through the Universal Golden
Gate which opened during the Sun’s intersection with the Ophiuchus
constellation. This transmission has felt like a pressure for many of
us, to address personal and planetary imbalances. Some of us may feel
we have surrendered it all, only to find during the last six months,
that there is yet another level of reveal. Revelations are also
happening for extra-dimensionals, who have been siphoning resources, and
are now being shown the door. There is more support to dig deep, to
heal unresolved wounds and to Restore Energetic Balance at this time, as a new age is upon us.
This Golden Gate to Eternal Life opens
at the end of Precession Cycles and begins to pour Universal Elixir out,
which inspirits the many dimensions and finally grounds its living
consciousness into the matter worlds. The Krystal Waters are the eternal
living waters sprung forth in the first eternal creation, which descend
the heavenly spirit to embody into physical matter. During the ninth
stage of the Galactic Zodiac of Ophiuchus, this transmission influenced
the archetype of the sacred wound healer during humanities
spiritual ascension. This means all internal wounds, gender or sexual
issues and energetic imbalances come to the surface to be observed. The
unresolved emotional conflicts or pain body issues, concerning the
sacred wounds, will be amplified in our conscious mind awareness and
also reflected in the collective consciousness patterns. In order to Restore Energetic Balance
to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves, we have to see
the energetic imbalances, in both the macrocosm and microcosm. This
acts as the catalyst to increase our effort and intention to heal these
imbalances in ourselves. Generally this effort happens when we do not
want to feel pain anymore. We then inquire on the nature of the pain and
take steps to heal our pain body.
Many of us may notice imbalances from
past cycles coming into our current awareness, through family issues or
people from our past contacting us for resolution, and completion. This
is a timeline bleed-through of many intersections meeting together,
into the singularity point. We are in cycles of beginnings and endings,
recent milestones have changed events which align us to new potentials
for our future on planet earth. The key theme now is Restoring Energetic Balance
to the primary situations and relationships in our lives as we connect
into the singularity. During this time, we may be yielding the positive
or negative energy harvest of our accumulated actions and behaviors in
the previous timeline. If we are not paying attention to internal
changes that need to happen to keep growing and move to the next stage
of our progressive timeline, this can show itself as static or dead
energy, which manifests as disease patterns in the body.
The challenge some people may have
without proper Ascension context, is they may be experiencing physical
issues that are described by the 3D medical world as illness or disease.
Most of this results from areas of the consciousness that refuse to
grow, refuse to change and refuse to adapt. The 3D medical mind will be
inclined to immediately treat these ascension symptoms or emotional
blocks with mind numbing drugs or surgery. Emotional wounds, spiritual
oppression and energy blockages are actually the causal point of many
diseases. In order to heal ourselves, we must address our pain, our
unresolved emotional issues and pay attention to sense energy blockages
in our body. Energy blockages will manifest as areas in our body that
continually hurt, feel pain, ache or manifest an illness pattern. In
order to find that energy blockage, we may need to address the imbalance
in our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body and pay attention
to how we can bring improved energetic balance to our bodies. We have to
change the way we think and shift the way we address our internal pain
to frequencies of neutrality and acceptance. Many times energetic
imbalances are accumulated by staying on the wrong life path, forcing
ourselves to be something we do not want to be and acting contrary to
our true spiritual purpose. When we resist change and feel victimized,
when we compare our life path to others by making comparisons of what it
should or should not be, we are miserable. To heal, we must inquire on
our true authentic nature and take steps to align our lifestyle to
circumstances where we can feel forgiveness and acceptance, which leads
us to greater peace and joy. It does not matter where we are right now,
by accepting our current condition, as it is, and continually focusing
on higher qualities and attributes, we can overcome anything. Living in
peace and joy, finding neutral point even when exposed to chaos and
pain, brings positive energies, which generate energetic balance in our
lives. Finding inner energetic balance heals our body as this allows
spiritual energy to be better circulated among our body parts and to
evict dark constructs. The key to balanced health and sanity is Restoring Energetic Balance
throughout all of the multidimensional body parts (physical, emotional,
mental, and spiritual) of our consciousness. No other person can do
this for us, we have to be willing to learn how by dedicating personal
effort to achieve this for ourselves.
This principle is true for all types of bodies. Restoring Energetic Balance
is the process, which brings improved health, vitality, abundance,
intelligence and energetic flow to all things. We can think of an
energetic body existing as a person, or in groups such as; communities,
organizations, cities, counties, states, nations and entire planets. The
principles governing Universal Laws of energetic balance will always
apply and act accordingly in every layer of the body, whether it’s an
individual person, group or planetary body. They are all interconnected
and interdependent. We can consider this as intrinsic to the principles
of energetic balance. This is part and parcel of the Krystal
consciousness embodiment and the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. In order
to restore the natural order of biologically and spiritually expanding
consciousness, we must learn to live in the principles of energetic balance.
It does not matter how chaotic or hectic the environmental landscape
is, we can achieve this inner balance even in the most despairing of
The principles of energetic balance must
include reconciling the pairs of opposites, the gender principles of
masculine and feminine energies, which are aspects of creation. To
return to energetic balance we must understand that sacred marriage
between the gender principles exists within every living thing, and
cannot be ignored or rejected. If we discard, abuse or ignore
the principles of energetic balance, we create more disease, confusion,
mutations, miasma, interference, demonic influence and eventually death
and annihilation. These energetic imbalances are manifested as
the causal event behind all major problems plaguing humanity today, such
as; war, disease, poverty, ignorance, discrimination, slavery and
possession. These are all enslavement tools of the Archontic Deception
Strategy to promote class wars between victims and victimizers to run
rampant on the earth, spreading misery and disease.
To stop the vicious cycle of feeding the
hatred that exists in the archetypes of the victim or the victimizer,
we must find the courage and bravery to restore energetic balance within
ourselves. Digging deep for the personal strength, asking help from
God-Christ spirit every day, to prevail no matter what the
circumstances. All change begins within the self. As each of us holds
value for all life, while developing our self-worth and self-love, we
are empowered to be a positive force of spiritual transcendence that Restores Energetic Balance. Love is the force that restores balance and harmony to all things.
In the interpretation of restoring
energetic balance through the Law of One, is an egalitarian philosophy
for an evolving humanity, who is consciously choosing to move towards
humanitarian goals. Ascension study is an evolutionary model for valuing
our planet and all of humanity. The main focus is upon the inner
spiritual study, reflection, and the personal commitment to expand one's
consciousness and benevolence towards life, even while present in
fields of hatred. We must continually choose Love as the force we want
to expand and grow in our body. As we expand our consciousness, we
shift our perspective to feel our interconnection with all of Life. We
shift our orientation to be of Service to Others, thus reflecting inner
truth and energetic balance. When we experience this all-encompassing
spiritual-energetic connection, we inherently desire to practice human
kindness and seek to collaborate with developing higher structures that
place value on all human beings. We seek a value system of World
As we Restore Energetic Balance
and establish values of World Humanism, we begin the Apostolic Age of
the Law of One. This age starts with the restoration of the planetary
architecture and energy grid networks, to be governed by those same
Universal Laws. As heaven meets earth, we establish the new laws to be
made manifest through our physical body, which is the multidimensional
aspect of the Universal Consciousness. For One and for All.
During this phase of the Ascension
cycle, the disciples of the Christos-Sophianic consciousness are
undergoing unifying levels of sacred marriage for spiritual initiation
that embody the next stage of stewardship of the Divine Laws. This is a
new cycle beginning on the planet, which is defined as the Apostolic Age of the Law of One.
The Krystal Star God forces are overseeing the cosmic initiation of
pure hearted humans to be anointed into representatives on the earth as
the Apostles of the Law of One, or those who have been acting in the
capacity as students and Disciples of Christ Consciousness, Unity
Consciousness. There is no way to fake this spiritual initiation or
pretend this title has been assigned. This assignment of title will be
hidden from the public view, and the entity or group that has been
abusing that same title on the earth will be silently evicted from their
position energetically, without their knowledge. This is the beginning
stage of the stripping of power from the great pretenders, usurpers,
power mongers and deceivers on the earth that have used titles of power
to abuse and steal energy from others.
We have entered the timeline where the
meek will inherit the earth, and this occurs through the Divine
Sovereign Right of Benevolent Kings being restored through the Christ
consciousness returning to the earth. This title signifies authority
with no gender or race relationship, as it is an androgynous embodiment
of the Christos-Sophia. (The term of King is used to describe the
authority of the Cosmic Sovereign Law made manifest on earth, through
any man or woman in which the full hermaphroditic Christos-Sophia has
embodied and serves the Law of One). Those that have been distorting
higher laws existing in the dimensions of the God Worlds on earth are
coming to be fully witnessed on the earth. These are areas where human
order and negative ego have abused the Laws placed for the benefit of
all people. The dark places of collective unconsciousness that were
asleep while existing in multiple dimensions, are awakening to become
conscious to exactly what has happened to this earth and humanity. These
events are completely hidden from the masses, and most people will have
little to no awareness this revelation is happening.
The pledge to serve the Law of One
is made by the pure hearted humans witnessed by Krystal Star and God
force, and through this new assignment of title, the person is being
given preparations for new assignments and a directive for their
Apostolic mission.
The Law of One is a Sacred Science of
the mechanics of Christ Consciousness and is the Natural Law governing
our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is
Eternal Love and Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite
Creator, or God. Eternal Love consciousness embodied in a form is Unity
intelligence, and is simultaneously recognized as the Inner Light of
Christos-Sophia. The Inner Light of Christos-Sophia, when actualized in
form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human, which actualizes the
direct relationship to the heart, mind and body of Universal God force.
Starseeds and Indigos that have been
undergoing Ascension waves have been put through many tests of
self-mastery to strengthen their energetic integrity and virtues, in
order to prove their dedication and alignment to the Christ
Consciousness. This is not judgment, but the energetic burden of service
to others, where responsibility and power have been given. When we
abuse our power, we suffer. Christos-Sophia upholds and restores the
natural laws as the representative to serve others under the sovereignty
provided in the Law of One. The only true path to sovereignty is to be
fully aligned and obey the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, which directs
the human soul to enlightenment, and to have a direct communication and
relationship with the Universal Mind of God.
The new level of sacred marriage during
this current spiritual initiation comes with the responsibility of a new
title. It is the first gathering of the Avatar of Ascension, which are
the humans that have been initiated as the new collective Apostles for
the Christ consciousness mission on the earth. More disciples will be
chosen and be integrated with the Christ consciousness in future cycles,
as this process is an ongoing building of the strength of
Christos-Sophia returning to the earth at the end of the Ascension
cycle. There is no church involved in this mission, the structure of the
church is demolished and returns to the devotion and love each being
has for their Mother of God. The place of worship is inside our own
heart altar, and is the direct spiritual-energetic relationship we have
created with the Mother and Father God. These are humans that are on the
path or have filled themselves with the virtues of the Spirits of
Christ. They are purely devoted to serve God in the Law of One, and are
inspired with loving kindness to restore human values and protect the
rights of all human beings and creatures on planet earth equally.
It is important to not equate this title
to superiority complexes or to the pitfalls of the negative ego, which
have been inappropriately used to describe this title in religious
texts. The Regents of Apostolic Order of Christos-Sophia are
not proselytizers, and will never impose on the free will of any being,
or cast judgment. They enforce nothing. Their role is to restore harmony
and peace by creating energetic balance and unity platforms between the
earthly and spiritual forces. They are pure hearted human beings filled
with the Holy Spirit and unconditional love for all humans, while
exemplifying humility in their service. They communicate with the
natural kingdoms and protect the living creations of this Earth under
Krystic authority, on behalf of the direction given from their Mother
and Father God.
The new title comes with great
responsibility to work towards the restoration of the Law of One as
directed by divine will, to serve humanitarian objectives and restore
energetic balance to the earth and her kingdoms. The Krystic title may
extend to include assignments of stewardship to a section of the earth,
planetary grids, and even cities, counties, nations and groups of
people, plants, trees and animals. This assignment of Krystic authority
will override the authority of human order and the current rulers who
have usurped the power over people and abused their privileges.
Controllers who have usurped power and pretended to uphold the laws
governing social contracts, while committing grievous crimes against
humanity, will be undergoing a sequential stripping of their power over
others. First, this is happening behind the scenes in the blueprint
structure, and many people in power will be scrambling to keep up
appearances that they are still in control. This will be very confusing
to both the human order and those fallen entities who, have acted in the
role as the great pretender or deceiver of others. They will not
comprehend why things are not working to their favor, or why they are
losing authority over sections of their energetic-power sources.
The first stages of assignments of title
are being given to Christos-Sophia representatives in the Ascending
areas of the earth grid, where restoration of the Natural Laws will
commence in the form of prototyping demographics. This is being directed
by Krystal Star and the families of Christ consciousness, where the
anointed person acts as the silent and invisible vessel, of directing
these Laws on the behalf of Unity Intelligence. One purpose of enacting
these Laws on the earth grids is to protect the nature kingdoms,
planetary grid networks, and protect the human souls that inhabit in
these locations.
Reading Rights for Evictions
Certain areas on the earth that are
weakened through the damage and bifurcation in the timelines, will
simultaneously increase energetic chaos which amplify descending energy
pockets. At this time, many of us may be re-assigned to a new
demographic or place of residence, because our timeline mission with
certain areas of earth are expiring. We have completed a cycle in the
timeline and our new residence will reflect a higher degree of value
exchange and energetic balance to support our foundation to the next
stage of our spiritual mission. This means some of us will actually be
guided to stabilize in a certain area, and the nomad stage will end. We
are needed to be physically located and stationed in certain areas of
the planet, in order to environmentally harmonize and work with those
particular fields and coordinates.
The descending pockets on the earth grid
will collect the many Fallen Angelics and NAA entities that are
currently refusing eviction from certain locations or rehabilitation
alternatives. The fallen entities are being culled into specific areas
of the earth (mostly the descending areas) at this time as they are
being evicted out of many areas of the planetary grid. At the same time
they are refusing eviction, they are possessing human bodies and taking
them over. This is happening in the descending areas and problematic
grid areas more commonly. Fallen Angelics and Negative Aliens that have
held certain powers over cities, counties, nations and planet Ley Lines
are being challenged in their identities to prove their right to exist,
and to justify the use of energy they have taken from the earth and
others in that location.
Those entities that fail to answer
to the Law are being evicted through being Read their Rights under
Cosmic Sovereign Law, while simultaneously, their names are being
recorded in the Book of the Law.
When evoking Cosmic Sovereign Law, one
is evoking the Holy Father presence through Christ to witness and
preside over the circumstances. The Holy Father of God presides over the
Book of the Law, so the complete actions and transgressions of all
beings on the earth are being fully seen by the Holy Father
consciousness at this time. Our body bears witness for our Holy Father
in this way, when we are made a clear and pure vessel dedicated for his
service. It is the Holy Father that knows the names and true identities
of all entities, and when he calls them by name they must answer to him.
Holy Father does not judge, however, Cosmic Justice is dispensed to
bring balance to the consequence of the actions of each and every being,
human or non-human. At the end of the time cycle we each finally meet
our true maker, and we have to tell him (and ourselves) what we did in
our life, and why we chose to do the things that we did. Nothing is
hidden at the time of Life Review, which can happen while in
our physical body or when we transit the body to another plane. We each
undergo Life Review, and we see every detail of our life, our choices,
the pain we caused, the love we gave freely and what our influence on
the earth timelines actually created. No one is exempt from the Life
Review, all entities in the Universe endure this process at the end of
the cycle.
The Krystal Star Host is isolating
problematic areas where extremely low frequencies of war, poverty and
violence are rampant, in order to start to prepare areas on the earth
surface that are strong and stable enough, in the electromagnetic field,
to be evicted of violent forces. Currently that amplifies the
bifurcation of frequencies, because the earth grid is dividing itself
into parts that are stable and unstable. This has to happen
systematically and according to what the earth’s electromagnetic field,
including the collective human consciousness at that location, is
capable of holding within its grid network to avoid surface cataclysm.
The Krystal Star host is gaining strength in the planetary grid,
however, problematic areas that are descending will increase in
amplified energetic chaos. Many of the Fallen Angelics are being culled
and directed into these areas when they refuse to be evicted, to accept
rehabilitation, or to transit under Guardian host. This is similar to
isolating infectious areas through the process of containing them in
certain designated areas.
Divine Right of Kings based in Discrimination
Through recent changes that anchor
Universal Laws of the Holy Father into the earth, attention has been
given to those bloodlines that historically have evoked the “Divine
Right of Kings” in order to commit crimes against humanity and spread
forms of discrimination throughout the global population. Some of the
Nephilim lines in the Power Elite have been especially prolific at
spreading genetic discrimination mind control, as they share mutual
beliefs with the Draconians that their blood line and genetics are
superior. They push this thought form into the mind of their human
hybrids today. Thought forms of genetic superiority and eugenics
originally stemmed from the holocaust agendas of the Orion Group. A
variety of mind control technologies are used on earth to influence
thought forms of racial and genetic discrimination in the human race
orchestrated by the Controllers. This is the Archontic Deception
Strategy used for divide and conquer of the entire global population,
which is the first strategy of war when invading forces want to take
over the planetary resources and enslave the natives.
Recently, when Krystal Star challenged
the agenda of many of these entities, they projected their STS agenda
through doublespeak and deception made through controlled manipulation
of racial bias claiming their superiority. Some of the Annunaki and
Nephilim factions are working agendas, claiming that they are being
discriminated against by Guardian groups and are channeling this
information through their planetary representatives. The majority
are unscrupulous entities that will do and say anything to take power
and control over others on the planet and demonstrate they have
absolutely no interest in living peacefully or equally with any part of
the human race. They believe they are rulers of Earth and everyone
else is their personal slave. If they are prevented from carrying out
their domination agenda, they spread disinformation that they are being
discriminated against. It is true that when an entity carries out
agendas of intentional harm and violation of the rights of others, they
forfeit their personal rights under the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. The
Natural Laws are returning to restore energetic balance on this earth.
In retaliation, there is a current manipulation of Nephilim hybrids used
for channeling that is spreading disinformation that they are being
discriminated against and that the Guardians are white supremacists.
This is a deception technique to deflect attention from their own
personal elitist belief of “Divine Right to Rule” others. They are being
removed and extracted from certain positions of power, and their power
sources, and many of them are very angry.
These extra dimensional forces are aware
that to destroy unity and strength between humans on our planet, it is
imperative that they instigate war and division in all of the planetary
tribes. If they generate schisms between perception of race or other
forms of discrimination, they know humans will enforce their own
enslavement. War, killing and tyranny are kept active through keeping
the population mind controlled, poverty stricken, promoting
discrimination and persecution of groups of people, ignorant of the
truth. If humans are mind controlled to believe that some people in
another country are the source of all of our problems of tyranny and
poverty, we erroneously blame other groups of people for things that
they are not responsible for. Humans are manipulated to give support in
billions of dollars to fund military killing machines (ultimately hiding
the NAA presence) in order to keep us safe from these enemies. The true
psychopathic architects of tyrannical control remain hidden from view,
while they publically persecute and victimize people that fall out of
favor, or are not playing into their game of world domination and
control. This is the hide and seek game of “don’t look here, look over
there”. The mass media of mind control is excellent at spin doctoring
the problems of humanity being blamed on some other country, culture,
race or world leader that most people are totally ignorant of. Rather
than focus on human strength and the potential made through unifying
common beliefs, the goal is to focus blame on some faceless enemy in
another country that people know very little about, and only what the
media has partially fabricated.
This is the mind control technique used
to create victims and victimizers, when people feel oppressed by
tyranny, they are easily manipulated to quickly blame the victimizer
that the media spin has created as the face of the convenient enemy. If
humans kill each other over the sheer ignorance of believing that other
cultures, languages or colors make us different from one another, the
NAA has a lot less work or resources needed to enslave the entire
population. We do the work for them and play right into their Archontic
Deception. This game of division is played through sophisticated levels
of mind control. Humanity enforces its own enslavement by believing the
lies they are being told by the media and those who parrot what they
heard without researching the facts.
Genetic discrimination and other forms
of racial discrimination originated from off planet entities who want to
take over the planet and get humans to kill each other, which serves
their agenda of ultimate takeover. It is important to know that
genetic discrimination has no seed in the original human race collective
mind, it was seeded here by the NAA when they invaded the planetary
logos. Genetic discrimination and the illusions that create
race discrimination are a fabrication of the NAA for divide and conquer
purposes. The NAA have superiority complexes and belief systems to
maintain what they think is their pure blood from the DNA template they
engineered for themselves.
What is the Divine Right of Kings?
The Divine Right of Kings is a political
and religious doctrine of royal lineage and political legitimacy that
has been distorted on the earth, as it is replicated from higher laws
related to the state of spiritual sovereignty. It asserts that a Monarch
(Ruler Archetype) is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the
right to rule directly from the will of God. The King is thus not
subject to the will of his people, the aristocracy, or any other estate
of the realm, including the Church. According to this doctrine, only God
can judge an unjust King Ruler. The doctrine implies that any attempt
to depose the King or to restrict his powers runs contrary to the will
of God and may constitute a sacrilegious act. It is often expressed in
the phrase "by the Grace of God," attached to the titles of a reigning
monarch. The basis of the Divine Right of Kings originated from the time
of Egyptian Pharaohs and appears in Biblical text, thus historically
has been heavily manipulated by many ambitious despots and politically
motivated people. Many have purposely used this religious text to
further their power and control over others through enforcing their
status, by exercising these religious beliefs.
For many today, the doctrine of the
Divine Right of Kings is closely associated with the writings of King
James I, the first king of Great Britain. The Divine Right of Kings was
written in a sincere effort to outline the responsibility of public
service in 1597–1598 by James VI of Scotland, before his accession to
the English throne. However, this became the way of justifying
monarchies in Europe and was eventually used to usurp many of the
monarch bloodlines, through NAA manipulation, claiming their superior
right to rule. The True Law of Free Monarchies is a treatise on
government written by King James VI of Scotland:
“The state of monarchy is the
supremest thing upon earth, for kings are not only God's lieutenants
upon earth and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself they are
called gods. There be three principal [comparisons] that illustrate the
state of monarchy: one taken out of the word of God, and the two other
out of the grounds of policy and philosophy. In the Scriptures kings are
called gods, and so their power after a certain relation compared to
the Divine power. Kings are also compared to fathers of families; for a
king is truly parens patriae [parent of the country], the politic father
of his people. And lastly, kings are compared to the head of this
microcosm of the body of man.”
King James based his theories in part on his understanding of the Bible:
“Let every person be subject to the
governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and
those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore he who resists
the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist
will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to
bad.” (Romans, chapter 13, Apostle Paul in the Revised Standard
This doctrine is still the thought
process of many of the elite ruling class bloodlines today, as well as
many of the NAA factions. The idea is that the king has the right to
rule completely and totally, with no need for approval from the people
or accountability to any representative body. Clearly this doctrine of
belief system when it is abused creates global slavery, and ultimately
two classes of people, Royal classes (Master) and Serfs (Slave). This is
the primary agenda of the NAA who aggressively have been planning and
engineering the utter annihilation of the middle classes for this
So to return to what the Apostle Paul
has written, there are two types of main authority for human beings that
are stated in the Bible. This is to continually enforce this idea of
absolute obedience to authority spread throughout religion, without
questioning its morality or ethics. The first authority that human
beings are to be subject to is God. On the other hand, they are also
bound to obey Kings and Rulers, because these people are seen as being
set in their position and placed directly by God.
Essentially, what this is describing is
that the Kings and Rulers act in the capacity as authoritative
babysitters that watch over the childlike public. That our God parent
has assigned the rights to the Kings to care for the public and
planetary welfare. Like a parent that hands their child over to a
babysitter, once the parent leaves, the authority and safety of the
child is turned over to the babysitter, or the Kings and Rulers of the
This is a very good way to understand
how the NAA and the Power Elite think and how they view their authority
and right to rule. In the same way, the King or Ruler is considered
God's Regent on the earth and his decisions and actions are not subject
to disapproval from the child. However, the babysitter is ultimately made responsible to answer to the parent.
Many of us realize that these babysitters have been answering to the
False Parents, the NAA themselves, who believe they are the Gods of this
creation. This doctrine asserts that the King is responsible to follow
the benevolent ways of God in his actions and in his formal policies to
carry out justice or reigningbalance. In the end, when it comes time to
pay the babysitter, the real parent makes the accounting and dispenses
justice as the accumulated consequence of actions (restores energetic
The Power Elite have adopted this belief
system from superiority complexes, and through their greed and crimes
against humanity have violated Universal Laws. When evoking the power of
this Universal Law, or using this power and capacity to impact the
collective, that person or group is subjected to the larger consequence
of cause and effect, and an accounting to the people of this earth as a
whole. This means the ramification of abusing this Law has Universal
Consequences which amends and creates restitutions of consciousness
energy that must be repaid as a debt to the human race. That process has
begun during this recent cycle, and although it has longer term
impacts, those awakened now may start to experience our world very
differently. The rules of governance in the field is changing, and
balance is being restored in many ways.
Sacred Wound Healing
This month, we will enter the transition
into the Galactic Laws of Gemini which will elevate our focus to
continue to heal what Ophiuchus started last December. The sacred wound
healing most challenging for all human being’s on this earth are all
issues concerning sexuality and gender conflicts. Gemini the twins will
highlight our relationship to inner polarities that may exist out of
balance with our gender and sexual belief systems. The sacred wound is
ultimately sexual healing, and when we can face our sexual trauma by
creating a safe container for those energies to be witnessed and
dissolved safely, we can start to unify and heal these energetic
Archontic Deception Strategies have
engineered rampant sexual abuse as a syndrome that impacts all of our
society. With the promotion of victim-victimizer programs placed on
sexual abuse victims, this creates painful trauma because of the shame
it instills and how our culture tends to suppress any information about
this topic. Children are three times more at risk to be victims of rape
than adults and it is more likely for a child to experience sexual abuse
at the hands of a family member or another supposedly trustworthy
adult. Childhood sexual trauma can have a profoundly devastating effects
upon an individual.
This immediately sets up severe trauma
with distrust around the child’s perception of the Mother-Female or
Father-Male Roles. This unhealed trauma greatly impacts how that gender
role will be perceived as an adult, many times that gender will become
energetically rejected inside that person. This is a less visible
version of post-traumatic stress that many people on the earth live with
every day. This painful abuse sets up the distortion of the False
Parent, where even as an adult, that person still holds traumatic
beliefs defining male and female roles, and is unable to trust
themselves and others. This unresolved gender trauma will impact all
relationships, and will amplify problems with the gender most impacted
by imbalances.
Most humans are not aware we hold both
masculine and feminine energies inside our Lightbody, and when we are
out of balance with one or both genders, it will create a variety of
energetic disturbances and potential disease patterns. The most
prevalent issue is that we cannot create healthy, connected, loving and
balanced intimate relationships with anyone, until we have healed our
inner gender issues. Self-acceptance and gender acceptance, going beyond
our biological parental patterns, is very important as a foundation to
creating fulfilling and loving relationships.
These areas of defining all roles male
and female, as well as the sexual nature of how these roles have been
experienced may need energetic balancing, in order to clear painful
obstacles to spiritual growth. Ultimately, we will need to see that these are painful distortions that have been placed there by the NAA mind control agendas.
We will need to forgive our parental figures and those whom we may feel
hurt us as children and adults. Many of these people had no idea of the
actual pain and trauma they caused, and were used as mind controlled
puppets from their own unhealed pain. When we are brave enough to heal
our pain and trauma, we stop the abusive cycle from happening again.
These abusive agendas have zero bearing on our self-worth or true
spiritual relationship to our true God Parent.
If you are facing sexual abuse trauma,
it is important to do what you need to, and create a safe space for
yourself where you can relax. Acknowledge that you are validated in all
of your feelings and emotions, and that you did have a painful, tough
and traumatic experience. It is important to acknowledge this happened
and accept it as it is, without shame and guilt. It is not your fault,
and reaffirm to yourself that this event was not your fault, there is
nothing for you to be ashamed of. It takes time to recognize our own
emotional needs and develop appropriate boundaries. The first step
involves getting in touch with our deeper feelings.
Expressing the sexual trauma event in
journaling and the ways it changed you as a person, may be helpful to
observe the larger patterns of what you have learned through this
experience. Memories and emotions associated with
sexual trauma are stored within the body. Many times we need to find
expression of pent up or suppressed feelings in the body by writing it
out freely. This allows our consciousness to bear witness to the trauma
from the perception of just observing the event.
Practice total relaxation and
meditation, with the intention of bringing healing and restoring
energetic balance to your bodily systems. During this phase of Gemini,
we will have extra consciousness power to address healing for sexual
issues. Many survivors of sexual trauma experience a sense of hatred or
disgust for their bodies. Repeat affirmations of how much you love
yourself and your body, focusing upon self-love and loving kindness in
all ways possible. As you learn to create appropriate boundaries and
grounded safety for yourself, a sense of liberation from these painful
feelings of the past is possible.
Suggested Technique:
Prepare your 12D shield and command your personal space as GSF!
- Fully relaxed, set your healing intention to strengthen and connect the areas of your body impacted from sexual trauma to be God-Sovereign-Free.
- Take a deep inhaling breath while streaming your breath into your root chakra: I balance my root chakra to strengthen my boundaries and feel safe, grounded and focused every day.
- Take a deep inhaling breath while streaming your breath into your sacral chakra: I balance my sacral chakra and intend to open the flow of my emotions and feelings to allow perfect equilibrium in my relationships.
- Take a deep inhaling breath while streaming your breath into your solar plexus chakra: I balance my solar plexus chakra and intend to direct personal will and personal power to serve my highest spiritual expression.
- Take a deep inhaling breath while streaming your breath into your heart chakra: I balance my heart chakra to flow with loving kindness directing unconditional love and forgiveness to myself and others.
- Take a deep inhaling breath while streaming your breath into your throat chakra: I balance my throat chakra to speak compassionately towards myself and express authenticity in everything I say.
- Take a deep inhaling breath while streaming your breath into your third eye chakra: I balance my third eye chakra to access higher wisdom, intuition, truth and spiritual understanding.
- Take a deep inhaling breath while streaming your breath into your crown chakra: I balance my crown chakra to connect directly with the Mind of God, in divine harmony, peace and transcendence.
If you come across feelings of anger or
fear lodged in the memory of your body, do your best to observe it
neutrally, deeply inhale the breath of inner light from your 12D shield
directing unconditional forgiveness into that memory and feeling, while
intending to release the blockage from the area of focus. Keep sending
breath of light into the area of the residual feeling, seeing the
density or heaviness of emotion dissolving into the light source of your
Additionally, as we go through our
emotional clearing process, sometimes it’s very helpful to complete the
following relationship closure exercise. This exercise is offered as it
is very helpful in resolving crystallized patterns in the body by
stating intentions and declarations that you are forgiving, releasing
and closing this particular relationship, in which trauma, emotional
fears or other negative energies were recorded as cellular memories in
your energy field. Any time we experience shock or trauma it creates a
memory imprint or residue in our energy field. To fully resolve, heal
and clear these issues recorded as traumas in our physical body, and
other energy body systems, we need to become aware of that trauma in
bringing it to the surface and allowing it to be released fully and with
intention. For this exercise, you will need a pad of paper and a pen or
pencil. At the end of this cathartic writing process then one begins
the actual cord cutting visualization for complete release.
The below links includes two techniques and meditations for "Relationship Closure" and "Cord Cutting."
Relationship Closure Download Music - Upload Audio - Restoring Energetic Balance ...
Relationship Closure Exercise
Cord Cutting Technique
Cord Cutting Technique Excercise
Please only take what is useful for your
spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage
and bravery to be a truth seeker.
I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made Manifest. I am God, Sovereign, Free!
Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!
With a Loving heart, LisaSource:
#EG NOTE: if them last links dont work. goto ^^ the above link and play & or download (downloadhelper plugin #firefox)
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