12 May 2015 |
"blood covenant" is the way that the False Gods (Negative Aliens and
Imposter Spirits) have chosen to trick humanity out of their original
relationship with their One Source Creator, and hijack their sovereignty
through the process of believing in the sanctioning of Blood Sacrifice
or ritual bonds as acts of religious piety. These False Father Gods, (
i.e. Yahweh, Jehovah, Annunaki) use Blood Covenants to communicate and
interact with human beings. When a human being enters into a Blood
Covenant through religious or other spiritual forms of indoctrination,
this seals the person's Aura with a sigil or Soul binding that states a
"claim" onto that individual. The persons free will is hijacked as the
human has been tricked to believe that the Annunaki extraterrestrials
impersonating the One creator is actually a God, when he is acting as an
intermediary to take claim and ownership over human beings that were
born with the inherent divinity of the Inner Holy Spirit and Inner
Christos. The False Gods both covet and hate the Inner Holy Spirit
because it is the Mother aspect of God, of which they detest, and
because they were not given the divine design of sovereignty that humans
beings were given in their free will right to choose.
All Blood Sacrifice is Satanic Ritual Abuse and requires much soul
retrieval and soul healing work on a planetary scale during the
Ascension Cycle. Many ancestral bloodlines have ancient histories of
Blood Covenant made with NAA races off planet, believing these
otherworldly entities were Gods. People were taught to believe that
killing animals and people in large amounts would be pleasing to these
Negative Aliens Gods, who would in turn bless them and help their
families to be prosperous and protected. This is a cruel ruse of
deception and lies from these bloodthirsty predators. These suffering
souls, having being killed over the wars over God, or made as a blood
sacrifice, were the energetic power source harnessed to retain the
crucifixion insert and its violent religious belief system architecture.
One of the main systems of planetary control is the religious
fundamental Christian programming. It was these programs that were
manipulated to condition the planetary field and the collective human
mind into believing these as Truths and revelations from God. These were
the mind control manipulations to worship a False God, and the
energetic results were vampiric to the group human divine soul.
As an example, a Blood Covenant is made with the anti-Christ forces
in the name of Yahweh who transfer the soul binding rites to the Moloch
during infant or child circumcision. The blood spilled from the baby
marks a claim on the Soul to be bound to the Moloch entity which is
directed to the Yahweh collective, an Annunaki faction of the NAA, that
pose as False Gods to lure humanity into servitude bindings in the
afterlife. Excerpts deciphered by religious scholars in the Old
"God concluded a covenant with Abraham (Gen. xv. 18, xvii. 2, 7) by
which He entered into a special relationship with him and his
descendants for all time; and as a sign of this covenant he enjoined on
them the rite of Circumcision. This Abrahamitic covenant, expressive of
the religious character of the descendants of Abraham as the people of
Yhwh, the one and only God, was renewed on Mount Sinai when, before the
giving of the Law, Israel as a people pledged itself to keep His
covenant (Ex. xix. 8). After the giving of the Law Moses sprinkled "the
blood of the covenant sacrifice" half upon the people and half upon the
altar of the Lord (Ex. xxiv. 6-8), to signify the mystical union of
Israel and its God. Of this "everlasting" Sinaitic covenant between God
and Israel the Sabbath is declared to be the sign forever (Ex. xxxi.
13-17). At the same time the tables of the Law upon which the pledge was
made were called "the book of the covenant" (Ex. xxiv. 7), and the Ten
Commandments "the words of the covenant" (Ex. xxxiv. 28); and so the
tables containing these became "the tables of the covenant" (Deut. ix.
9, 15)."
In addition to blood covenants made to control the bloodlines, the
Reptilians promote Rh Negative Blood as a result from their hybridized
DNA. This narrative is untrue. However, it is because they seek to
destroy all Oraphim/Christ hybrids and their DNA potential from
spreading, growing or changing the Consciousness structure in humanity,
which inherently will change the entire DNA of the earth population.
They want to kill off the Rh Negative hybrids through genetic
modification or control them directly through militarized operations,
keeping them misinformed and sick through the various methods already
mentioned. They have attempted to compromise their DNA in various ways,
such as through tricking humans to make Blood Covenants with False Gods.
Much of this is reinforced through family of origin religious beliefs
that are passed down to babies and children who grow into adulthood not
understanding what is transpiring.
Rh Negative bloodline is blood that is inherently "karmic-less"
blood, the ancestral miasm from previous human generations is not
recorded in the same way as "karmic" blood patterns that are passed down
into future generations. The karmic (miasma) patterns of repeated
lifetimes on earth are energy stamps that are recorded in the blood of
every being that is born into this dimension. (This is also how blood
covenants are passed down to the future offspring without the person
being aware of this arrangement.) Rh Negative blood is sourced from the
Stars, as such they may be called Starseed people.
Because there are less karmic energetic imprints in the blood, higher
spiritual –energetic bodies of the Rh negative person have a tendency
to function or operate at increased levels than in the majority of the
human population. These include higher sensory abilities such as
telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, direct spiritual
knowing, reading energies, ET contact and awareness that may develop
into higher compassionate tendencies towards other humans and the
earthly kingdoms. This bloodline has a natural resonance to reconnect
with higher DNA activation. For this reason ET's such as Greys studying
DNA code and attempting to replicate DNA, abduct more RH negative
For the above reasons, Rh negative people are primarily manipulated
with superimposed karmic burdens, many sourcing from Annunaki or other
reptilian distortions made in the blood. This is the attempt to distort
the blood pattern of the Rh negative person so they cannot be successful
or productive in changing the DNA or consciousness structure on planet.
Because their blood holds higher DNA potential the NAA and reptilian
races do not want this phenomena to occur through the planetary
consciousness fields. This impact is known as the hundredth monkey
effect, when the collective consciousness reaches certain patterns these
influences can impact the collective consciousness on earth. The NAA
works against this phenomena from occurring in order to maintain their
agenda of promoting a human slave race, on this planet and for other
planets which they seek to control. Most reptilian races favor the
corrupted Nephilim, ( a being motivated by greed, money and power as
they are manipulated by Controllers) who exist as half or more Annunaki
in their DNA, to sympathize with their agenda and maintain the belief
systems on earth that promote race superiority, genetic discrimination,
and social and financial hierarchy as defined by class or a rank
In this understanding of clearing blood covenants through recessive
gene, ancestral gene and hybridization gene of Rh negative bloodlines,
we apply core fear release programs to the Rh negative bloodlines as we
bear witness to each other. This is taking intention to clear all blood
covenants made that connect miasmatic history through recessive genes,
ancestral genes and hybridization and genetic modification of past,
present and future lifetimes.
A brief blood clearing treatment is offered below, for those who may feel this clearing of benefit.
Prepare your 12D shield and command your personal space as a God-Sovereign-Free being that serves the Law of One.
Beloveds, I ask to apply Core Soul Protection to the family of origin
of DNA, source field DNA and all bloodlines related to the Rh negative
lineages, please go to origin to the off planet DNA and blood record,
please go to the causation in the timeliness of the original human DNA
that is free of all alien genetic modification or hybridization.
I ask our beloved Guardian teams that work with the Albion body as we
are in a phase of coming into an awakening of the Albion body.
I intend to clear all blood covenants and related overlays that have
been put on the Rh negative blood and the history of recessive genes in
the bodies that I am inhabiting at this time.
I clear blood covenants in the human DNA, original human DNA, diamond sun DNA and all the way into the Albion body of the earth.
Clearing blood covenants:
Applying core soul protection to the family of origin DNA, Rh negative bloodlines to the original diamond Sun DNA record.
- Restoring the soul record
- Reclaim the consciousness memories in all time
- Please repair any damage made in (my) lineage of Rh negative blood.
- Hybridization
- Fibrin
- RBCs (red blood cells)
- Hematopoiesis
- Microorganisms that comes from chemtrails
- Clear damaged blood cells of Rh negative lines recessive through the blood that has been brought forth.
- Clear hybridization damage
- Repair soul fiber damage
- Repair the damage in the blood itself
- We ask to bring Krystal Waters through this blood group, individual blood healing, as God would have it be.
- We bring forth the amplifier of the Krystal Waters as a resonant tone.
- We call our family of Christ, may the Krystal Waters protect and support our blood.
Eternal water sprung forth in the eternal creation Holy Mother, Holy
Father, please soothe and heal the soul and Crystal body with the
crystal waters. We ask these water to spiritualize the blood of Christos
and to flow through the fountain of eternal life and eternal youth.
Krystal Waters, please support our project of elemental encryption of
our body's blood chemistry and to heal the damage of blood toxicity,
miasm and hybridization recorded as reversals in the bloodline.
For a moment, intend to deeply feel and connect to our bloodstream
and blood. Imagine and bring the intent to merge with the Krystal Waters
and spiritualize the blood of Christos-Sophia. See the blood
spiritualized and it's living life force throughout your venous system,
throughout the arterial system and pumping through your heart
protecting, healing and spiritualizing our blood in a living light blood
chemistry. As we spiritualize our blood, to heal our blood of all that
is tainted from ancestral genetic or miasmatic hybridization reasons.
Beloved, please clear our blood record.
Please clear the spleen of its inherited genetic karmic records and wounds from any identity in time and space.
we purify our blood, we ask the spirits of Christ to dwell in our
flesh, in our mind and in our body and to circulate in our blood.
Spiritualizing our blood and therefore repairing all energy receivers.
The entire nadial system, radial system and the umbilicus connected
through our blood, in the eternal living light.
Please correct fibrin, red blood cells and other microorganism
imbalances through lab made chemtrails, toxins or other chemicals
considered pathogens that are directly engineered and manufactured to
harm Rh negative blood. I ask to bring this into clarity and to remove
any and all DNA instruction and RNA instruction sets which carry this
reverse mutation protein chain. Clear all reverse synthesis bond made
through these pathogens in the blood. Clear the DNA and RNA instructions
set to the original human DNA without modification as per recorded in
the higher silicate matrix body of the Albion body of the double diamond
sun human, the cosmic human on this earth.
- Clear DNA RNA
- Clear physical blood to brain barrier and generate upgrade
- Blood treatment clearing
- Clear degeneration
- Clear septicemia
- Clear anemia
- Correct the bone marrow production as per the Rh negative of divine design
- Corrects spleen function
- Correct any lipoprotein disorder
- Blood disorder
- Genetic mutation
- Miasmic ancestral karmic
- Replace the organic matrix blood treatment
- Timeline collapse past, present, future lifetimes in fetus, newborn,
child, teenager, adult, and senior. Correct impacts and disease
- Collapse the timeline and replace organic matrix through all timelines.
- Clearing any disease memory in the body from all timelines
- Clear all memory and influences from disease memory.
- Remove mismatching or wrongly attached body parts in the genetic or
ancestral history related to hybridization modification or genetic
experimentation on or off planet.
Please take this clearing off planet – Saturn blood covenants made in
any lifetime, clearing Saturn blood worship of damage to the blood of
my Rh negative lines.
I asked to terminate any and all alien agendas,
mind control software that is using reverse DNA, RNA instruction sets
to be recorded in the mitochondria, chromosomes, and the DNA, RNA
messengering between the cells.
- Clear Saturn blood worship of Rh negative control histories.
- We ask in the Book of the Law to Return to Rightful Owner now.
- Returning to rightful owner all human beings that are originally
connected to the original human DNA off planet to the Rh negative blood.
- We ask to return to rightful owner here and now all that belongs to each person directly.
As the living Avatar of Christ and light of God that I am, I cancel
contracts and agreements that have been made with any off planet entity
guide or alien in this timeline or reality related to blood covenants
and that which is designed with the intention of the destruction of the
Rh negative blood line and the original human DNA pattern of the diamond
sun silicate matrix in the Albion body.
We ask to clear the Albion body and to reanimate the Albion body with
return to rightful owner and returning the Rh negative blood and blood
patterns to the original human DNA pattern. All that is not in the
highest alignment in service of God and the cosmic sovereign law of one,
we terminate these contracts and agreements through the ancestral line,
through the genetic line and through the collective consciousness line
of the human species and race of which we are a part.
We terminate redemptive vehicle, crucifixion contracts and their
phantom systems from using Rh negative human DNA bloodlines through the
Albion body.
We also address all splitter technologies which have
been used to split apart human DNA and create toxins in the Rh negative
and original human blood.
Terminate the redemptive vehicle
crucifixion contract and related phantom systems from the original human
DNA and bloodlines now - including the Rh negative blood lines
recessive genes and the ancestral genes of which go back to the original
human DNA.
- Clearing Alien Implants
- Replication or hybridization trauma
- as appropriate through each of the locations of dimensions and location of the body of the original human DNA
- Clearing blood covenant of replication or hybridization trauma
- Human animal hybrid
- Anunnaki hybrid
- Dracon hybrid
- Nephilim reversals
- Solar Lord and warden implants
- Axiom seals
- Curse implant trauma
- Fallen Angelic seals
- Anu Seal
- Orion solar cross
- Crucifixion implants - left lung and heart, left knee
Please clear all Crucifixion memory implant removing blood
covenant Rh negative blood distortion from the historical lines of the
Albion body, collective body, collective consciousness body, human body,
Left lung heart - harmonic triad all bodies clear now. Clearing all
stolen replicated damage genetics as God would have it be.
Please Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair all appropriate stolen
replicated or damage genetics from hybridization, cloning, replication,
as well as enslavement trauma, upon the human DNA through any blood
covenant which is connected to the blood.
- We terminate all redemptive vehicle contracts.
- We terminate all superimposed karmic loads of miasma.
- We terminate all crucifixion contracts, enslavement contracts and
related phantom systems from impacting our God consciousness and all of
our double diamond sun Christ bodies.
- I ask my avatar of Ascension and Christ consciousness to return all
aspects of DNA, unity codes, fire letters, all body parts, wings,
energies that have been misdirected or usurped through hybridization or
blood damage.
- We ask them to be returned now to the rightful owner in the name of
self sovereignty here and stated and commanded into presence.
- Again, connecting to the Albion body as the collective now.
- Return all energies, essences, body parts that are in divine right order now!
- We call back now all that is our self-sovereign God power and right.
- Beloveds, thank you thank you thank you!
- All is one with the light - for I am unity.
- Coming into Krystal Star of Azoth and seeing the overlay of Krystal Star of Azoth in the heart chakra Back to front,
- Front to back
- Inner to outer
- Outer to inner
- Left to right
- Right to left
- Stabilize.
In Krystal Star of Azoth, Beloved Seven Sacred Suns:
Allowing the Krystal Star of Azoth divine firewater in our heart, in
our blood, as we fully allow the carrier wave of the Krystal Star to be
with us, within our blood and to assist in purification and
spiritualization of the blood of Christ within us. Clearing in the field
of superposition or possessions which need to be transited at this
time. Holy Mother, we ask for Krystal Star intercession and transit of
all creation, shape shifters, structures and entities.
Please perform Simple Triad Sweep run through and clearing through the transit vortex.
- Transiting possessions
- Shadow creatures
- Release bindings
- Release blood covenants
- Clear the negative forms and apply the Core Soul Protection on the way out through the Mother Arc Portal
- Balance center and stabilize the bodies.
- Correct the cellular memory and perform timeline collapse from source of origin of the original nature of these creatures
- I ask Holy Mother and Sophia to reclaim all that is originally yours
Return again into the usable substance and elements, which can be
reconstituted into the holy presence. We apply unconditional love and
forgiveness and forgetfulness now. Please clear human karmic miasma
levels related to blood covenants that has been set forth in connection
to the Albion body.
Please clear planetary karmic miasma levels related to blood
covenants and again restoring original human DNA record of the
specialized Krystic blood to the Albion body. Collapse and return all
identities to integrate through Crystal diamond sun matrix in the
organic matrix of God, as God would have it be through Crystal Star
intercession and crystal matrix re encryption of the elemental body. As
God would have it be, I am one with the holy presence and through all
eternity, I am Unity and One with God.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
(Source: Blood Covenant Clearing and Ascension Glossary, Transcription by Kimberly)
at http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/2629-blood-covenant-on-rh-negatives