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I AM Love
As the higher energy of Source continues to flow unto the planet the people of Earth will increasingly become aware of the level of control they have been held within for thousands of years. Awareness of the level of control will be shocking for many and this is already being reflected within news reports of exposed corruption within systems people have believed and followed all of their lives.
For many, the changes that will continue to unfold will be life shattering as their core beliefs are shaken to the ground and their emotions will be the hardest hit. Imagine living your life to adhere to an ancient, dictated belief system to wake up one day and realize things are not at all what you thought they were.
People “need” to believe in something; they need to believe even if it is a false belief and belief systems are necessary to allow some form of balance within the planetary system. As healing continues for Earth, more and more people will begin to replace the beliefs they hold that no longer support their needs with new beliefs. Ancient beliefs will continue to come under question and rock many strong foundations.
For those who can hear the message and retain focus of their personal relationship with Source on a daily basis, they will be able to generate a powerful wave of Source energy that will work as a support blanket for those who cannot yet do so.
Love is and will eternally be the strongest energy of Source! There are many qualities of expression that are held within the energy of love but love will always be at the top of the list of all sub heading qualities.
The people of Earth have been “forced” to war against each other for thousands of years falsely “in the name of God” and such remains even today as people around the planet continue to kill each other in the name of their belief system. It is important to remember that “everyone is correct” in whatever they choose to believe as doing so is the only way to stop the fighting because someone thinks they are right and need to make another wrong in order to prove it.
The ancient belief systems still held in place by the largest percentage of the population, regardless how they differ, ALL originate from pre-ancient times and from ONE power source that fed the people of Earth the beliefs that was desired they believe. Via force and control of the planetary natural resources, the power elite have managed to maintain control of the masses and the script that is playing out is the exact same script that has been playing over for thousands of years.
There have been many people that have talked about “Atlantis Rising” and most of those people have thought that means that the lost city of Atlantis would be discovered or even perhaps rise up from an ocean grave. This is an example how thought concepts are quickly adopted by people as literal meaning.
The concept of Atlantis Rising is not a literal physical event in such terms but is a literal event as far as history trying to repeat itself. The Atlantian script has already been re-written and is not playing out the way that it did 26,000 years ago but some of that script will play out via the same “players” who played it out during the Atlantian cycle. Players that still desire world control, which actually means control of the planets energy system. They will not be successful in accomplishing such but they will continue to try until they have dropped the body and exited the hologram.
As change continues and systems continue a steady decline it is important for those who are awake and aware of the larger picture to remember they ARE the script writers who are writing the new script that will run along side of the ancient script that is losing strength. Change can be hard for anyone, awake or asleep, but change can be more comfortable if retention of the desired goal into higher consciousness and balance can remain at the forefront of focus.
Every life from on the planet has free will to choose as they desire and embodying the ability to allow all choices requires daily practice and can only be achieved by retaining focus of the personal connection and relationship with Source.
The people of Earth who are awake and aware of the higher truth of healing are the pioneers who are incarnate to be the Pillars of Source energy and hold open the ability to be the Pillars of Light that will shine forth the way for the many. They are the ones who are “able” to focus on the higher light of Source and simply “stand” and allow the love of Source to shine forth for anyone who requires it to be able to receive it; the forebears of truth and love unto the masses.
Do not allow yourself to focus on the distorted script and any drama that plays out within it but simply be aware of what is going on within the hologram while retaining focus of the balanced hologram you envision. Doing so will allow the changes to be much more gentle than if no one was on planet to assist Source with that effort.
If you encounter those who feel their world is falling apart because their belief systems are crumbling, simply offer them comfort, love and understanding and if they are willing offer them what you hold as truth of creation and your personal relationship with Source while striving to honor their beliefs. The energy that you gift to them can be like a life line that allows them to be held up while they readjust to the changes in their lives.
When the Earth life and the Earth drama are all said and done the only thing that will have mattered is Love and how each life form honored each other through love. All of the material things will have vanished and no longer exist and it will be remembered that they were all simply props within a play.
If we choose to use our energy wisely and
make a stand for balance and healing where we can without allowing our
emotions to push without thinking into hasty decisions then the changes
will occur in a much more balanced fashion. Change is inevitable so we
might as well remember how to allow the change instead of trying to
drive it before it is able to manifest.
If you desire, you could use the above
image within your meditations – visualizations to collectively co-create
a sphere of intent that holds the planet.
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