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Note: Viewing of the videos on the AW youtube channel will be necessary to understand this post fully. |
Healing into personal power is not a process of offering knowledge and healing tools and then those things becoming a crutch. Healing into personal power cannot occur if the individual continues to believe they must rely on the teacher to tell them what to do next.
The life forms of Earth have become dis-empowered via memory loss and lack of Source energy to such an extreme that the majority cannot yet remember they are Source embodied and that the life experience is not being done to them but that they are creating it their selves.
It is necessary to offer knowledge to assist the life form to first remember how they are creating the life experience which opens memory and begins to return awareness of personal power.
Only by remembering personal power, remembering the personal connection to Source and regaining self trust can a life form regain personal responsibility for everything they experience inside and outside of their self.
The distorted system of the Earth hologram has been created and controlled via the inner distorted virus via distorted thoughts and the process of daily living and survival seems like it is controlled within every sector of the life experience.
The people of Earth easily accept the factions of control through held beliefs and thoughts of concepts such as the devil, satan, ET groups and secret societies. This is not a new occurrence within the mass consciousness and has been held in place for thousands of years via the inner distorted virus.
The masses find it very easy to believe that a hidden, unseen force is responsible for the chaos, imbalance and control and this is a result of personal experiences with inner and outer demons that seem to be very real.
Simply because the thoughts of the masses have been controlled by the distorted thoughts of the inner virus for so long and because of memory loss, the mass consciousness accepts imbalance as part of the life experience and are shocked or amazed when things work within balance to such a degree that it seems like a miracle.
The desire to heal into balance remains but seems like an impossible feat simply because at this time there is no one on the planet with open memory of what it “feels” like to experience within a balanced reality field; the concept of miracles offer hope yet always seem to be out of reach and possibly even fairy tales.
Simply offering an assisted healing system will not allow healing into self empowerment, it would only be one more program that became lost among many programs that are already available on the planet, some of which simply promote more control and dis-empowerment.
The inner distorted virus has used the life forms of Earth for so long to do its bidding and co-create its desires that it seems natural to the largest percentage of the population for someone to tell them what they should do and to take care of their needs when disaster and chaos strike.
It is for these reasons that the people quickly turn to the political, religious and medical communities to lead them and tell them what they should do and provide for their needs of well being.
Every life form on the planet and the planet itself carry the infection of the distorted virus consciousness and feel helpless within a sea of imbalance and there will remain those who are more than happy to control and tell people what they should do and how they should live until the virus is completely purged from the planet which will not complete until the planet returns to its healed expression in 87 years.
The battle to heal from the virus cannot occur by placing ones energy within the outer hologram and focusing on what is occurring within the outer hologram because what is occurring within the outer hologram is a result of what is held within.
Only by focusing within, by remaining constantly aware of the personal thoughts and “reprogramming” the distorted thoughts can awareness of the healing that is taking place occur.
The dis-empowerment and control of the virus has created and fosters the belief of an external savior within the largest percentage of the population. The concept of a savior is adapted to fit into any belief system; it may be thought of as an embodied face that is going to appear in the outer hologram and instantly remove all imbalance or it may have been adapted to think it is going to be some higher ET life form that is going to remove chosen ones from the planet and take them off to a balanced reality system.
Such beliefs have been held within the mass consciousness for thousands of years and such beliefs are exactly the same with the only difference being the concept of who and what the savior will present as.
Only by remembering that all of creation is energy, the energy of Source, how creation occurs and that all life forms are Source embodied can real healing occur and the false belief of an external savior be healed within the conscious collective.
The process of healing into balance still fits within the ancient thought that healing does not occur via supplying the fish, healing occurs by teaching the individual how to fish and provide for their own needs.
The dis-empowerment that has occurred within the Earth hologram is so severe that if the current food supply system were not in place hundreds of thousands would very quickly starve to death simply because they have no idea how to feed their selves and the food supply system has been allowed to be completely controlled.
The current desire is to offer knowledge and understanding to remember truth that will empower to allow those who can hear to take back control for their needs, personal healing and well being while healing to remember allowance and free will.
Allowance does not mean sticking your head in the sand and ignoring what is going on around you. Healing into balance requires remembering the importance of the whole and how each piece of the whole is required to allow anyone to heal.
Allowance requires understanding personal strength and how & where to apply that personal strength to assist into whole healing while remembering that you do not have the right to control anyone but yourself as all hold the gift of free will.
It is known that there are those who are anxious for personal healing and may currently feel they need to be told what to do to facilitate personal healing and there are those who do not feel they need such assistance who have reached a point of healing to allow them to remember their personal power and the support and strength they know via their personal connection to Source.
It is desired to offer as much support into healing as possible for the whole without interfering with free will and when enough knowledge has been offered to allow the opportunity to allow for an “informed choice” there will be offered some tools for assistance with personal healing but you do not have to wait until such tools are offered to work on personal healing and making a stronger connection to Source. There are already some tools offered on the AW website that can assist with personal healing but the main key is daily consistency of focusing on and communing with Source as well as constant awareness of personal thoughts.
What limitations might your thoughts be imposing upon you? If you believe you cannot “you will not” because your beliefs will create exactly as you believe.
What are you filling yourself with from the external hologram? Are you filling yourself with thoughts and ideas that speak of forces with a desire to control, consume and create chaos? If those types of things are what you are choosing to focus your thoughts on then that is exactly the type of experiences you will create.
Ask yourself why anyone might find it challenging or impossible to find 30 minutes a day to simply be one with Source and be quite and commune with Source. Is the imbalanced life experience so important that there is no time to work on co-creating balance? If it is then it will be quite unpleasant to experience healing into balance.
Why might people put the needs and desires of others as more important than their personal needs or desires? Do you run yourself out of energy daily trying to take care of everyone else and have no energy left to take care of yourself?
Do you feel it is selfish to take care of yourself first and if so why do you feel that way? Such a feeling spawns from lack of self love and trying to ensure that others continue to supply the love that feels missing within. It is a game of chasing your tail and never getting anywhere and spawns dis-empowerment for others by not allowing them to take care of their own needs.
Lack of self love spawns from false beliefs that say you are not good enough or unworthy in some fashion and such false beliefs can only heal by consistently filling yourself with the love of Source.
You ARE important! You are an extremely important part of the whole and without you there would be a missing piece within the whole and then who would take care of all of those needs of others that seem to be so important.
If you choose to allow time for yourself daily to simply relax, be quite and still and focus on Source within you then you can quickly discover that all of the love and acceptance you will ever need is held within and that you can easily fill yourself with the love of Source and then it becomes much easier to gift that love and eternally gain more for yourself.
Loving Joy to All,