A scientific approach explaining the power of thought. We have all heard before, "Your thoughts create your reality." Well, new quantum physicsstudies support this idea.Learn about recent research about how the mind can influence the behavior of subatomic particles and physical matter. If you enjoy the video, please pass it on to friends and family.
The power of our thoughts and feelings allows us to manifest our desires. The challenge is in harnessing our ever shifting perspectives so that we can focus upon the thoughts that can make a positive difference.Working with our thoughts consciously allows our awareness and experience of life to unfold its potential. The key is to be open to change and express ourselves from a higher perspective on life.Our past is but a memory and the future is in our imagination, right now in the present moment is our true point of power.
This video is taken from Dr. Joseph Murphy's book on the power of the Subconscious Mind. It is a practical guide to understand and learn to use the incredible powers you possess within you.
This video is taken from Dr. Joseph Murphy's book on the power of the Subconscious Mind. It is a practical guide to understand and learn to use the incredible powers you possess within you.
Law of Attraction Scientific Explanation
- What the Bleep Do We Know (Documentary)
- Dr. Bruce Lipton - The Biology Of Perception (Video Lecture)
- Dr. Amit Goswami - The Quantum Activist (Documentary)
Law of Attraction and Anonymous
- Awareness Message to Anonymous
- Anonymous Thinking Together - The Awakening of Planetary Consciousness
- Think Anonymous - Project Mayhem 2012

[...] The Science of Energy and Thought. Subconscious Mind Power. (thegatekeeperxix.wordpress.com) [...]
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ReplyDelete[...] The Science of Energy and Thought. Subconscious Mind Power. (thegatekeeperxix.wordpress.com) [...]
ReplyDeleteI really love the work you are doing here. Thanks for sharing and may God continue to bless you as you allow him to use you for his glory.
ReplyDelete[...] The Science of Energy and Thought. Subconscious Mind Power. (thegatekeeperxix.wordpress.com) Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeOne blogger likes this post. Tags: ADHD, advocacy, Attention, Awareness, challenges, Consciousness, education, Emotion, Health, Mental Health, sensory integration, Shark, special education, Subconscious [...]
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