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posted Jan 28, 2015, 7:24 PM by Rha S ananda [ updated Feb 3, 2015, 8:35 PM ]
(Written by: Paul Theriault)
Ok heres the phim post ive been threatening to write for a while now.
In order to understand what a phim is, we need to understand what the normal path
for an evolving being is.
A being emerges out from godsource, and moves out into the universe or in ks terms,
external creation. While out in the universe, the being begins to pull in frequency in a
set order. In keylontic science, this is described as pulling in the energy of dimensions
1-12, in order, and the assembly of a 12 strand dna pattern. Other systems describe
this in various other ways, but the basic sentiment remains: a being pulls in all the
frequency, knowledge and experience available.
You can imagine this as a being moving away from a central point from which it
When a being has aquired all the experience it needs ( another whole topic), the being
makes what is called an "adashi return". It turns back towards that source from which
it came, and eventually remerges with it, bringing all of its experiences with it,
enriching source.
You can imagine this as a being turning back towards the point it came from, as in a
loop or circle, or in and outbreath of source.
There is a small portion of the cycle just before adashi return happens where beings
may cut themselves off from the cycle, and from return to godsource. This small
portion of the universe just happens to be where we are. Beings who travel from other
portions of existence to this spot can also fall here ( ie FAtalE, equari, white dragons,
and equari time lords)
Eventually a being completes adashi return and remerges with source. Then it has a
choice. The being can either stay merged with source, redo the process it just
completed, or move to a place called internal creation, or the DHA-ya-Tei planes ( as
opposed to extrenal creation where we live) and live as beings there. These beings are
called phims.
Phims may choose to return to external creation to assist with various situations
arising here. Even though all phims are equal in internal creation, in order to avoid
bringing in too much energy to external creation, and blowing up wherever they live,
phims will often reduce the energy the hold in themselves while living in external
Internal creation runs on a structure of 8 metaphorical suns ( ie not literal structures,
but 8 overall types of energy, or plasmas that they run throughout thier bodies) .
They have progressively less quantum as they numerically decrease. Sun 8 is most
powerful, then sun 7, 6 etc. A phim will choose a sun, and thus a type of plasma, and
then incarnate into external creation and run this plasma. The 8 plasmas are dived up
into 4 groups, the sun 8 plasmas, the blue/white plasmas (sun 5,6,7), the green
plasmas (sun 3,4), and the violet plasmas (1,2).
In external creation ( ie here) plasmas can be reversed, and run in oppositon to thier
original dynamics ( ie fall). This has been particularily true of the violet plasmas. Not all violet plasmas are fallen, but many of the ones popularily promoted are ( ie the violet ray, violet flame, etc)
One plasma that cannot fall however is sun 8 plasma. It is only activated in
emergencies, such as right now. When a being has access to sun 8 plasma, it
becomes increasingly immune to manipulation and fall.
One way to pick up sun 8 plasmas is to run the journey below. Even if you arent a
phim, you will pick up a connection to the sun 8 plasmas, which will help you maintain
the integrity of your physical and energy bodies in the face of assault with reverse
violet plasmas.
Lastly, while in this part of the universe a number of phims have fallen, and using
thier talents, they were able to dominate and take over the external creation fallen
beings. Using thier knowledge, they have constructed an artificial galaxy, and false
deity planes ( the toral rift) and are currently attempting to draw earth and the milky
way into this false creation.
These fallen phims are usually called the equari ( or white dragons). One branch of
the equari specialize in sexual manipulation, they are called the FatalE. A group we
recently learned about, the worst so far, are the fallen equari time lords, or time
travellers, called the brhAlindt FAtalE.
Again, sun 8 plasmas will protect you, not from a choice to join the fallen ( some
people will want to do that), but from manipulation and forced takeover.
Take care of yourselves!
via Rory
~Indigo/Phim/Tan-Tri General Correspondences~ Pt. 1 Phims & Indigos: "All Phims are Indigos, but not all Indigos are Phims. "Indigos" Is the Broadest Category, & contains various sub-categories. Phim-born Indigos trace their Origin in this Seeding back to the Inner Earth Palaidia Urtite-Cloister Races that were Breatharian, while Non-Phim Indigos Originate from the Urtite Cloister Races of Surface Earth that were not breatharian and reproduced sexually. The Surface Earth Non-Phim Indigos are actually a stepped down version of the Inner Earth Palaidia Races, having half the amount of Strands in their DNA Template.
Part 2. "Orders & Suns"- Phims that are Emerald Order Blue Flame-keepers Originate out of Suns 8, 1, 2, or 3, while Gold Order Gold Flamekeeper Phims are of Suns 4 or 5, and Amethyst Order Violet Flamekeeper Phims are of Suns 6 or 7.
Part 3. "Tan-Tri Level Correlations" - Sun 8 Phims correspond to the Golden-Silver Shield and are of the Tan-Tri LAh'yah Level. Sun 1 Phims correspond to the Aqualene Shield and are of the Tan-Tri A'La Level. The White Shield is Sun 2 Phims and the Blue Shield is Sun 3 Phims, and both correspond to the Tan-Tri A'Jha Level. Sun 4 & 5 Phims are of the Green Shield and correspond to the Tan-Tri A'Ra Level. And Sun 6 & 7 Phims go with the Violet Shield and are of the Tan-Tri A'Ma Level. ~ (Info mostly from August 2012 Workshop)
Rory Smith
February 16, 2016
~Linking Old & New~ For a while now it has been my Desire to be able to correlate how the newer info on the 7 Eternal Plasma Suns & Related White-Blue, Green, & Violet Shields, fits in with the Older Teachings we learned having to do with 15 Dimensional Time Matrix Anatomy and the different Types of Indigos (Emerald Order, Gold Order, & Amethyst Order). It isn't until recently that I have been able to fully do this. Here are some linking insights:
~Sun 1 corresponds to Density 5, Suns 2 & 3 correspond to Density 4, Suns 4 & 5 correspond to Density 3, and Suns 6 & 7 correspond to Density 2. And Density 1 corresponds to the Sala-Sira Sun/Passage. :-)
~Emerald Order Blue Flamekeeper Indigos are Incarnate Members of the White-Blue Shield (composed of Suns 1, 2, & 3)
~Gold Order Gold Flamekeeper Indigos are Incarnate Members of the Green Shield (composed of Suns 4 & 5)
~Amethyst Order Violet Flamekeeper Indigos are Incarnate Members of the Violet Shield (composed of Suns 6 & 7)
Also, for anyone wanting to learn and memorize the 49 Plasma Currents of the D-Planes, it is helpful to realize that only 28 really have to be memorized, because the last 21 are repetitions of the previous ones. There are 7 each for Densities 5, 4, 3, & 2, equalling 28, and then Density 1 has another 3 sets of 7 that are repetitions of the higher Density ones.
Rory Smith
November 6, 2015
~Hypothesis on the Distinction Between Phim, & Non-Phim Indigos~ Early on in the work we learned that in this 3rd Seeding, Indigos correspond to the Palaidia Urtite Cloister & Urtite Cloister Races of Inner Earth & Surface Earth Respectively. The Palaidia Urtite Cloister Races of Inner Earth are considered Full Indigos, were Breatharian, and reproduced thru Budding/Fission rather than sexual procreation. The Urtite Cloister Races that emerged later, were the Surface Earth counterparts of the Inner Earth Palaidia Races and are still considered Indigos, but with half the Strand Count, they were not Breatharian (needed to eat food), and they reproduced sexually. Given that the Dynamics of the Relationship of Phim to Non-Phim (Eternal Anatomy vs. Finite Anatomy) is congruent to the relationship of Inner Earth Palaidia Indigos (Eternal) to Surface Earth Urtite Indigos (Finite), I Feel that it Is possible that this is the Distinction Line between Phim and Non-Phim Indigos, with the Inner Earth Palaidia Indigos being the Phims & Their Surface Earth Counterparts being the Non-Phims.
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